I love my daughter so much. This afternoon she came up to me and - TopicsExpress


I love my daughter so much. This afternoon she came up to me and said Here I come! and jumped into my lap. As she was squeezing me she said, Can I have some protein bar please? Protein bar served up, THANK YOU DADDY. Caps indicate loudness. After she finished, Here I come, and jumped on me again. While I squeezed her she said, I have muscles too. Grrrrr. She just squeezed and squeezed. I just love her so much. She says her prayers, Our Father, who farts in Heaven.... and Thank you God for mimi, grandpa, and other grandpa, and Harper, and baby Haylen, and... She sang all day today as loud as she could, WHATS GONNA WORK, TEAM WORK. WHATS GONNA WORK, TEAMWORK! I didnt know that song repeated those lines 76 times but I could have listened all day. When she gets adjusted, she says 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! Jumps up and says Powers on! She mimics a Ninja Warrior video by running around the house arms flailing and looking like Forrest Gump. You would think she is actually in the competition she is watching. I see her kicking soccer balls and balloons around the house, playing ninja warrior on her homemade course and hugging our big dog Frankie. I know that tomorrow she will be dating and driving and daddy will be a big ole mess about it...but I will love her still. For now, Ill cherish the moments I have while she is 3 and she doesnt mind giving me 17 kisses in a row. I love my wife so much. She has so much patience and love for everyone yet she will not put up with negativity or drama. Love em all, but you dont have to be close to everyone! She hurt her knee pretty good the other day and will not whine about it. She refuses to have a kid that is entitled(so do I). My schedule got a bit crazy last week and instead of complaining the fact that her schedule was changed, she just got up at 4:45 a.m. to do her workout. Seriously??? She is so humble. She will read this and I can hear her giggling with embarrassment. Pretty much everyday I hear something like, Man, I really like those people. or She is really a neat person. I came home one day last week and she had hand painted a picture that said, Be still and know that I am God. I have had some good laughs in my lifetime, but Meesh made me laugh harder than all other times combined when she sang a song one night, And were the 3 I mean 4 best friends that anybody ever had... Those who were in the FJ with us will definitely remember that. Anita wanted pancakes and...well you can fill in the blanks. Oh thats another thing, Meesh has some awesome friends. We laugh and pray and eat and sleep and carry on...tomorrow we will do the same. Is our life perfect? Heavens no but she makes sure that the good and fun far outweigh any of the bad. Someday we will be grandparents and Im sure there will be many more laughs and adventures on the way. For now, I will cherish each day I get with her. I hope you have blessings like this in your life. If not, may you be a blessing to others.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:05:24 +0000

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