I love mystery detectives all day Saturday on hln - TopicsExpress


I love mystery detectives all day Saturday on hln https://facebook/1deezd/posts/468987203209489 my other Papa snored very loudly. It was loudest every other breath. massresistance.org/media/video/brainwashing.html i think o my 3m .5 nephew & it startles more to see the propaganda coming against him & his preschool classmates! share this for the children’s delivery! I wasnt interested in quitting school, getting free training from CB trained Papa. he acquired a wealth of training as a Construction Battalion. it greatly paid off because in his twenties, thirties, & forties he had no competition. but competition came. they did a sorry job. the contractors Papa lost wanted him back. he took them back, but he went up in his price beforehand. I went to a Private/Christian elementary school & my third grade teacher slapped me in my crying face! I was very, very, very emotional!! so I was put in a public school! I always wear. A Gilligan hat to protect my face from the sun. My rotating fan is loudest every other breath. I ;like that because Im used to it. I heard Papas pattern of breathing over a decade. https://facebook/1deezd/posts/453150351459841 Mystery detectives is often reruns. That sucks https://facebook/1deezd/posts/452993511475525 https://facebook/1deezd/posts/453479051426971 Since I lived in feels nine years, I have started thinking about a vacation house in Canada https://facebook/1deezd/posts/453368438104699 https://facebook/1deezd/posts/453611758080367 I have so many memories since my traumatic brain injury that my memoir is a self help that consumes all my time. 1 time, my football coach when I played for the warriors sold my grandparents firewood. As we unloaded the truck, I was Amazed how much he remembered about me a decade earlier. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 0 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Im proud & arrogant, so I was hoping my coach thought I always played offense and defense. The Great Commission…>>>> Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Since our childhood, Jack Grizzle works on computers, but we neither have the stamina we used to have. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” > It took a decade rehab to drive me to read and write all day everyday https://facebook/1deezd/posts/486708111437398 1 tm my little brother was dancing with a woman. I came up, tapped his shoulder, then danced with her. I remember when one got a decade in jail then out, and another a few years apart, it was over in no time! just because somebody calls themselves a Christian means nothing. My Private/Christian College believed in the Big Bang Theory. I believed why. They said Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Father of the Big Bang Theory. But they also lied about inability to get permission to let me out of an OVERWHELMING class!!! uncle Todd said he wasnt asked!!! and then lightening hit them. Theyd said the only way to see what classes to drop was take the very EXTREMELY overwhelming schedule!!! The enemy gets struck by lightning when he strikes you!!! Im a starving novelist now I need; an agent!!! Please pray I get a very, very good 1!! Or 1s!!!! when I heard about the college finals scream, I thought of how totally! totally! totally! Jack Grizzle across the street worked on go carts and motorcycles every min everyday every summer totally! totally! totally! OVERHELMED I was with thirty hours of homework a day!!!!!!!!!!!! As I danced with the woman, I let her in on my rules. Too good for a piece of junk driver? Im history! My brain stimulus is why I have healed so well in Jesus Christ Lord and Savior who God rose again on the third day’s name, I avoid rejecter collections. Doctor Callahan said his operation would remove my bruises on my brain eighteen years ago. https://facebook/1deezd/posts/468987203209489 Years of rehab had taught me about my brain injury. I KNEW my then limp & speech was because of my injury. I kept, kept, kept, and kept begging for a second opinion. I kept, kept, kept, kept getting told, No, I prayed about this. Whenever one snubs me they just snubbed the best thing theyll physically have in their life. He left my shunt a quarter inch from where it belonged!!!! Thinking he was giving me another operation!!! I kissed Emory hospital goodbye!!! Faith that the Savior will judge justly. I hustled hundreds pool tables & KNEW my doctor Callahan was a hustler, but was STILL forced to let him operate totally, totally, totally, totally against my will!!! He left my shunt a quarter inch from where it belonged! belonged!!! I liwe 7 days a week. My, Grannys preacher lifted weights 7 days a week two hrs a day. He worked out with 300 lbs.Lies. Trusted loved ones said a promise was a dream. In response, I returned a traumatic brain injury, 6 month coma, broken left side, nerve damage, paralyzed pallet, impaired eyesight, impaired balance, impaired speech, stomach tap, lung tap, & shunt. The preachers biceps were bigger than my leg muscles! I saw the preachers muscles while he was over at my home, which burned down after I moved next door, and showed me his biceps. we were on my machine weights. I had never seen the biceps because he was always wearing a robe when I saw him. $1m therapy on my brain means I have an incredible database
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:14:02 +0000

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