I love rational, intelligent people. Zev Kai Spell Arachnae - TopicsExpress


I love rational, intelligent people. Zev Kai Spell Arachnae - Apparently, most of you havent studied American History. FDR established the minimum wage to end people not earning enough in which to live. Companies pushed congress to allow it not to scale with inflation, saying it would create more jobs, and it did for a few years, but then they got even greedier, outsourcing many skilled labor jobs to countries where there was no minimum wage. That still wasnt enough to satisfy the austerity, so they lobbied to cut import taxes, shifting more of the tax burden onto Americans, while they set up tax shelters abroad. Do your homework, folks. This isnt something that just happened. Its been a meticulous process to create a larger income gap, so the austerity could enslave the underprivileged and own a higher percent of global equity. Raising the minimum wage alone wont solve the problem. Reinstating import tax rates to level the playing field for domestic production, actually enforcing anti- trust laws, busting monopolies, and reincentivising domestic production through penalties, rather than corporate welfare is all needed to fix the problem, ultimately. All you snobs who think its so easy to just get a better education or change jobs dont have the faintest idea what the struggle of being poor in these times is like. Most of you cite examples of working up the class ladder that are 20 or more years old, when foreign trade policies were much different, and Id bet many of you supported these trade agreements that make importing cheaper than producing. Sure, that lowers the cost to buy stuff, but lowering prices doesnt help when you dont have any disposable income after paying bills, because you have to work for slave wages. Trickle down economics doesnt work. Our government has given billions away to big companies, and it may have saved a few jobs, but it didnt create many livable-wage, full-time jobs for the investment. Instead, average incomes for working class people went down and CEO incomes went up. The reality is that we cant trust companies to be moral. Theres no morality in capitalism. Thats why we need regulations. Loosening regulations just gives greedy bastards more ways to screw over the poor and get richer. If this trend continues, well hit a tipping point of conflict to full-on class warfare. Either the rich will have to make a wasteland of the planet to kill all the hoards of angry poor people, or the poor will start hunting the rich like the animals they are. I hope you snooty, over-privileged wealthy folk are well-armed. The lower class is getting more desperate by the day, and its about to become open season if things dont start to change, quickly.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:25:02 +0000

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