I love reading the book of the prophets and in how God spoke to - TopicsExpress


I love reading the book of the prophets and in how God spoke to them to give word to His people to give them instructions and at times warnings so they will not perish but repent and have life. A lot of people did not like the words the prophets spoke to strong of words for them and did not like the warnings of death and destruction but who does? God loves His people of Israel so much He sent messengers to them warnings so they should not receive the destruction nor death. And so this day and age God gives us warnings so we should not perish but come to repentance through His Son Jesus. And just like back then some people do not like to take heed to Gods word but only want to hear about the God of love and blessings and forgiveness and His grace. The word of God and all the warnings are Gods grace to us so we may not die and go to hell but come to repentance through His Son Jesus. Pride was the reason Lucifer ( satan ) was kicked out of heaven thinking he was equal and better then God Almighty. Do we have pride thinking we are better than others better than the Gospels of Jesus Christ. We must be humble and come to Jesus in lowliness asking for forgiveness and to ask Jesus into our hearts so we may live. The warnings back then and the warnings now are the same so we may not die in sin but take heed to Gods word and warnings. I love the people of Buckland and our region very much and I speak the word of God so none should perish but repent and have life and life more abundantly as the word of God tells us. It okay if people do not like me or do not want to hear Maurice speak but please do not reject God and His word nor His warnings. I am nothing but this God this Jesus I speak of is a Savior a God of love and compassion a merciful God but He is also a God of wrath and His Judgments are righteous. This Jesus I love talking about is God He is the Word and He is the way the Truth and the Life and the only way to the Father and in His Kingdom.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:55:23 +0000

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