I love rugby, period. Its one of the best things thats ever - TopicsExpress


I love rugby, period. Its one of the best things thats ever happened to me but unfortunately it does come with risks and you have to be willing to put yourself out on the line and give it 100%. Yesterday at Yarrows Stadium we had just got on to the first field, north were playing really good then coach decided to put me on, i was running towards a ball that had been kicked away and unfortunately a player from the other team decided it would be a good idea to push my neck from behind which caused me to fall face first to the ground at high speed, roll my neck and land in a very awkward way. After waiting for nearly an hour the paramedics arrived, got me into the ambulance and carted me off to hospital. The doctors were very worried because i could feel every thing in my body apart from my lower back and up. I was terrified to say the least, the thought of being paralysed hadnt crossed my mind until the doctor had mentioned it while i was on a very good amount of morphine. Lets just say, Im one of the lucky ones. I want to thank my bestfriend ryan for being there the whole day and into the early evening, staying by my bedside and having a go at the nurse when they wouldnt come straight away :p i couldnt imagine being there without anyone else by my side apart from you. You kept me calm, and put up with my conversations while i was on morphine, you are the bestest friend anyone could ask for and i love you so much poppit! I want to thank mum and dad for being the funniest parents you could ask for. When i was really worried and down you guys just made me see the funnier side of things, and managed to put a smile back on my face. Mum your photography makes me look oh so attractive and dad thats the first proper selfie weve ever taken and even though it was in the worst situation it really brightened up my day. Atamu and Hohepa, what can i say! You guys are bloody amazing, didnt get to say much to you guys yesterday but i really enjoyed your company yesterday and you guys made me feel so much better just by being there. I love the teddy bear mumma murray gave me so please tell i say thankyou so much! And i love you guys trillions :) Last but not least a massive thankyou to my Northern girls, coaches, manager, Fieldings manager and assistant coach and the Yarrows stadium staff. You guys are bloody legends without your guys support, and quick thinking i would not be walking today, i owe you guys big time! Thanks to those from the team who came yesterday, even though you couldnt come in, i could feel your mana from ED haha :) you are a bunch of talented, beautiful girls and i cant wait to see you at prizegiving. Thanks to Kellie who kept my parents informed and made sure i was okay, you were a big support to not only me but them! Big thanks to you all, i love you dearly and hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week, god bless ❤
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:41:45 +0000

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