I love self-discipline. For me it has been and is a way of life. - TopicsExpress


I love self-discipline. For me it has been and is a way of life. For years, as a competitive swimmer, I led a routine and very disciplined life. Even though I dont swim anymore, the discipline of getting up early and training has never left. 6 days per week I arise at 4:45am. I never question myself, even on cold winter mornings. I just get up and begin my morning routine before the family stirs - walk, prayer, devotions, work out. I love it. I cannot function without it. Some people cannot function without their coffee in the morning. I cannot function without my routine of God and fitness - body, mind and soul. There have been times when Ive had to get up and catch a very early train. My routine just shifts earlier. I have been up at 3am before now to start my day. Its said that how you wake up (your attitude) will dictate how your day goes. I do my best to control my day from the start. I am proactive. I want my day to go my way rather than something or someone elses. I rarely have to rush. Self-discipline and self-control go hand in hand in my day. I would honestly not like to think what would happen if I let go. What would your day or your life be like if you had more self-control? The best leaders exemplify self-control. You can be sure that to be a success, any leader who has made it had to lead themselves with discipline and self-control. And its no different with you and me. To get to where we want to go at work, rest or play will take similar effort and discipline. So lets get focused and commit to be and do what it takes to be the success we deserve, desire and are designed for. Consider your own self-control. Please share your insights and comments here.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:18:30 +0000

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