I love starting the day with a NEW testimonial. Ellie Appleton - TopicsExpress


I love starting the day with a NEW testimonial. Ellie Appleton wrote this last week and I only just noticed it now. Massive thankyou to Ellie for sharing her experiences. It has only been a month since I had an Aura Transformation from Sarah. It’s too early to give a full testimonial as I’m still ‘settling in’, but the changes I’ve noticed so far have been so significant I had to write something in the meantime, for others who may be considering having an AT themselves. In honesty, I was pretty sceptical when I first heard about it, but it kept popping back into my head and just seemed to present itself to me as the right thing for me to do. So I went for it. For the first day or two I felt totally wiped out, which Sarah had warned me would happen because of how my aura and energy had been previously. But once I’d slept that off, I started noticing changes... My relationship with my kids became so much better – I had previously become a ‘shouty’ mum (obviously something I never wanted to be), but since my AT there is a lot more respect and understanding in both directions and we seem a lot more in tune with each other. So, much less shouting now, much better behaviour and much more fun and laughter, making a far happier family all round. Interactions with other people have changed – children seem drawn to me and come and speak to me, people comment how well I look, people I usually don’t hear from often started randomly getting in touch to arrange catching up. A huge change has been my drive and motivation. I have spent many years thinking about doing things, but actually doing nothing – when it came to my earth element, Sarah commented that I was firmly stuck in the ground, which results in a tendency to be too lazy to take action – she could not have known it, but that was spot on. She rebalanced my elements, and I’ve seriously not stopped being productive and instigating action ever since (except occasional moments of exhaustion when all the activity i’m not used to has caught up with me)! The other really big change is that I’ve always struggled with having direction, knowing what I want to do in life and being decisive about pretty much anything. Since my Aura Transformation, everything has started to become clear, things now seem to present themselves to me – one thing seems to inadvertently lead to another, and paths are becoming apparent seemingly of their own accord. It’s brilliant! I was happy enough before, but just kinda plodding along with life... The changes since have made me feel positively alive and ready to seize every opportunity and live life to the full! I look forward to what lies ahead and will review again as and when seems appropriate, but in the meantime, as Sarah says, I’m ‘glowing’! Thanks so much Sarah :)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 08:09:59 +0000

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