I love talking with the kids about things- they never cease to - TopicsExpress


I love talking with the kids about things- they never cease to amaze me. We have been in the garden a lot and here is what these (mostly) 4 year olds have to say about what they know. :-) with Carrie Sylor ; Naomi Mosman; Kimberly Kiehle-Hayes; Charlene Demers Wetherbee; Noël Hollinger Folts; Kevin Mialky; Matt Marino; Christina Backus; Janette Fay Metcalfe; Robin Cleveland; Meghan Jaeger; Sarah Cayer; Andrea FitzPatrick ********* Gardens are for growing flowers and vegetables. They grow in garden beds made of dirt. Worms help the flowers grow. Bees help make flower seeds so more can grow. Bees make honey too. We need to take care of the Earth so gardens can grow. Silvia, age 4 We need gardens because a lot of our food comes from the garden- like vegetables, carrots, corn, rice, cucumbers...Farmers have huge gardens of corn or wheat. We need wheat to make flour to make bread. Some vegetables grow in the dirt and you have to pull it out of the ground- like carrots, potatoes, onions, and beets. I dont like regular beets; I like pickled beets. Christian, age 4 Gardens can grow carrots for me and for rabbits. First you put seeds in the dirt and let the sun shine on them and you have to dump water on them with a bowl. The orange part grows in the dirt and the green part grows out of the dirt. I like to eat long carrots and baby carrots. Bryce, age 4 I grow carrots and tomatoes in my garden. Roses grow too. They need clean water so they can grow. Bumblebees like roses because they smell nice and are a pretty color. Bumble bees make honey in a bees nest.- Camden, age 4 We pick up the sticks and garbage because we want to keep the whole world clean. If animals eat the garbage they will choke. If we find garbage on the ground we put it in the garbage. Sometimes I give garbage to my Mom so she can throw it away. Samara, age 3 Flowers grow in the garden. We have pretty flowers and bushes at my house. We have orange and yellow flowers and a pink tree and a pink bush. Its too cold in the winter so they grow in the rain. They need water and warm sunshine to grow. Flowers drink water and I drink orange juice and milk to grow. Giuliana, age 3 You can buy flowers and vegetables from our store. Some are pink and purple, yellow, green, orange and red- all the colors of the rainbow. People buy plants and flowers at our store and plant them at their house out in the garden. Paxton, age 4 We have a lot of weeds in our field and we pick them out because we want corn to grow. Weeds take the sunshine and water from the flowers and vegetables. Kera, age 4 We plant a lot of our food in the garden- carrots, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries... Sunflowers make the garden beautiful and the birds love to eat the seeds. There are lots of flowers in our garden. Especially dandelions. Baby rabbits like to eat dandelions. Its fun to split the stems and put them in water and watch them curl up. Seeds come from inside the fruit and vegetables, but strawberry seeds are on the outside.- Kodah, age 5 Butterflies and worms and spiders and bees and ants live in the garden. Rabbits like to eat the carrots and lettuce and bring them to their babies. Bunnies make their nest on the ground. They make the nest with soft grass and fur that the mama bunny pulls off her body with her teeth. Shayli, age 4 The garden has flowers and birds and a blue sky and play set. When it gets summer its going to be beautiful because the flowers are all different colors and you can pick them and touch them and smell them with your nose. Kids like flowers and rabbits and horses like them sometimes.- Mya, age 4 Ants live in the garden in a hole in the ground. Sometimes you see a whole bunch of ants. When ants dig the hole they make a pile of dirt with a hole in it to live in. Carter, age 4 The Earth gives us food because it grows in the garden and gardens are the Earth. I grow flowers in my garden. I got pink flowers at the store. You take them home and put them in the garden. First you dig a hole and you put the plants in the dirt. Then you have to water them so they can grow. If you dont water them they will die. We grow watermelon too. Some seeds are white and some are black. I love to eat watermelon because they are so yummy. -Seth, age 4
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:50:05 +0000

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