I love that I can connect anywhere in the world with clients. - TopicsExpress


I love that I can connect anywhere in the world with clients. Skype has opened a beautiful door at S.A.Ms sharing love and knowledge to help other beautiful souls manifest their wishes, and desires!!! The heart of our work is love and we believe that loving oneself is vital for love, luck, and prosperity in all of our affairs. Loving oneself without the Ego (not using beauty to bring others down) is who we are. Our soul is high vibrational love a euphoric magical light that has the ability to do, and become anything. When I hear the voice of others; she loves herself. I know that the person projecting is paining inside. I also know that as I suffered many years of pain which affected my body as I developed chronic fatigue, severe joint pain, and unworthy thoughts. Working with Angels they guided my path everyday, they held me together when I fell, they taught me how we connect with the universe, how energy emotion stores within our chakras, and they worked with me to navigate the mind of others in order to set healthier programs. I never gave up when at times I could not see, or cope with life and what it threw at me. I bet the bullies and decided that what society believed to be true was adding to my pain, and I opened my heart creating my own morals and belief systems. Its all down to vibration in the end as our vibration attracts our circumstances around us, it can be hard to accept this but when we do our life changes attracting exciting new adventures. My diary is filling fast for our February special - a two hour coaching session with me to assist you with the transformation that is long overdue. #IBelieveInYou #TurningThingsAround
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:49:49 +0000

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