I love the Broncos. I love Peyton Manning. I love certain aspects - TopicsExpress


I love the Broncos. I love Peyton Manning. I love certain aspects of our defense. And I gotta say, I love me some CJ Anderson. But its time for some real talk. CJ was one of the only players on the field who showed me some heart. The rest? Uninspired, old, tired, and predictable football. Garbage in, garbage out. Hats off to the Colts. They are a flawed team, but they played with heart and actually looked like they wanted it more. Watching this game, I dont think the Broncos actually believed. This whole year I felt like we were an over-talented team that under-performed. And thats on the coaches. If there is a silver lining to all of this, being eliminated early will allow Gase and Del Rio to interview for head coach positions elsewhere in the league. Del Rio has done some really weird things defensively lately, and Id be happy to see Gases fetish for those ineffective bubble screens go the way of the Dodo. We do entirely too many cute things on offense - we need to get back to our bread and butter. That said, it sucks seeing Peyton diminish before our eyes. And he is. We watched it happen with Marino and Montana. It was an awesome three years that hes played in Denver, but there comes a point where your knowledge of the game exceeds your physical ability to play it. There is an argument that hes reached that point. The only thing that will surprise me about this Broncos off-season is if they keep everything status quo. Love you always, Broncos!!!!! Now Go Colts and Go Packers! (wouldnt that make for an awesome Super Bowl?) :-)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:54:48 +0000

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