I love the posts! Well done. Now for the rest of you, what changes - TopicsExpress


I love the posts! Well done. Now for the rest of you, what changes have you done? Its Friday and this is the end of the week that we talked about making a change. I thought at this point we could share what we have done in the spirit of change. I will go first. Many of you had no idea that I was a smoker for many years. Not a huge smoker, not a pack a day by any means, but none the less I was. 4 and half years ago I quit. I also was a 10- 12 can a day Pepsi drinker. I know thats enough to kill someone, but here I am. On the day that I quit smoking I also quit Pepsi. Both I might add I quit cold turkey. Many months ago, I started smoking again when my life flipped upside down and I was drowning in a sea of red flags and abuse. I also started with soda pop again, not Pepsi this time, only Ginger Ale. I cant tell you how hard The Doctor was on me, but if you had a none-smoker follow your every thought and they spoke to you none stop about what a huge mistake for your health you were causing every time you light up; you might have a glimpse to what he was like for me. Brutal, isnt even close to the right word. I have quit both, the cans of Ginger Ale and the smokes... over 2 weeks now. Despite what The Doctor says about feeling better and having more energy... I dont feel any better or feel like I have more energy, but I dont stink! I dont hate myself either. This was just a change that I needed to make and so I did. There you have it, my dirty laundry out in the open for you to see. I have told you one of my major personal changes, now its your turn. G.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:29:12 +0000

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