I love this analogy. What happens when u have a bad dream? U wake - TopicsExpress


I love this analogy. What happens when u have a bad dream? U wake up so u can dissolve it n realize its not real n an illusion ur mind created right? Well think of this as ur dream and we have co collectively contributed to this nightmare n kept it goin after timelines were infiltrated n manipulated millions n millions of years ago. Thats alot of dissolving to do wouldnt u say lol? Alot of work to b done but we have done so much!!!! We only need to wake up to the truth that is within each of us n that is where many may get interpretations of ancient writings mixed up like the bible is a classic example of how its been changed some, mixed belief systems, mixed analogys, ect, ect. We have so much more history than has been shared n it needs to b priced together. That is why the Akashic records exist. It is a recording of every single action, geneology, dna, event, ect, ect that has ever occured on planet earth. It lies within the center of the earth and is like a great spiritual holographic library. When one is pure n enlightened they r then allowed into n having access to these sacred records of Earth. Many organizations n churches mimic this idea by physically keeping great records of history, ansestor info, ect. What many fail to realize is that although it is of great use to have these in the physical world they tend to not search or to find out that what its really talking about is a record that has no room for human error, no tainting of info, and is gaurded highly in the spiritual sense from anyone of a lower than what is needed vibration to enter it. This is how many mediums, shamans, gurus, spiritual leaders, ect can get their information is because they r tapping into this akashic record library. Not all mediums or people doin readings ect have reached that state of enlightenment. They may b close, n others may not but it is a highly recieved honor to b allowed into this and not many have truly n genuinely achieved access to it. But it is available to anyone of us if we choose to go that path of reaching enlightenment. This is what i am working towards and in the right way. It is not an easy path but as everyone knows when u know something is right u will do whatever it takes to achieve it. Sunny Christensen Crane, Chelsey Michelle Jensen, Lori Brough Williams, Emily Harrison, I just thought u may find this interesting about the Akashic records which essentially are the purest form of records of Earth since the conception of her creation of becoming a planet. Oh and u cant look up just anything. U will get what info is necessary at that time n if its not needed it wont b given whether its for urself or another person ur assisting depends on what u ask n the need at the time. There are many great light beings guarding n protecting this library. It is highly gaurded. Ur frequency hasto b of Pureness in intent, and ur overall vibration to enter into this sacred Temple that u can access through meditation as u go through ur temples on the side of ur head and into ur heart space. Its all done etherically meaning spiritually not necessarily physical if referring to the true one and only sacred Temple of the hall of records. Key words to look up are Hall of Amenti, Akashic Records, Thoths EMERALD tablets. This is the way I understand it so far anyway. It may change as I am learning new things all the time n shifting perspectives as I try to get closer to waking up fully out of this illusion but having fun doin it. Its a great puzzle n the biggest n most challenging ive had yet, lol! Funny its 12:12 as I look at the clock. NAMESTE!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:12:37 +0000

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