I love this kind of successful people, and I feel truly blessed - TopicsExpress


I love this kind of successful people, and I feel truly blessed that my real beloved ones only love me for who I am. SUCCESS DEFINITION BY CARLOS SLIM “I believe that success is not in the financial part; I believe that one person is not a successful person because he has a good business or is a good professional, or is a good student. I think that this is not the important thing. What is important is to be an anchor, the family, the friends (but the real ones, the one who calls you when he remembers you, when he knows that you are going through bad times, calls you to know if you need help, the one that gives you a sincere hug, the one that really appreciates that you exist). Appreciate the things that have a REAL value! Not material or physical” I think that to this concept I can add a thought that my mother gave me: “Success has no relation with the things that many people imagine. It is not due to noble and academic titles that you can have, or the blood or the school in where you studied. It is not to the size of your house or how many cars you have. It is not whether you are the boss or the employee; or if you are member of social clubs. It has no relation with the power that you can use or if you are a good administrator; or if you know how to speak, of if you have an outstanding position. It is not due to the clothing you use, or if you abbreviations after your name that define your social status. Or if you are good worker, or speak many languages, or if you are attractive, a young or old person”. Success is: How many people smile at you, how many people do you love and how many admire your sincerity and the simplicity of your soul. It is to know that they remember you when you are far; it refers to how many people you try not to hurt or not bear a grudge in your heart for. We talk about how your triumphs involve your dreams. If your triumphs do not hurt others, about the relations with others, not about the control that you execute over them, but to know that your heart and your mind are involved in your decisions, if you were selfish or generous, if you were arrogant or humble, arrogant or considerate, if your were demanding or tolerant. It is about your kindness; your real wish to serve others; your capacity to pay attention, and your assessment over behavior. It is not about how many people follow you, but how many really love you. It is not about transmitting, but how many believe that you are really happy or you pretend to be. It is about the equilibrium of the justice that it takes to be good and have more, is that you have a clean conscience, a victorious dignity, and your desire to be more, not to have more. THIS IS SUCCESS!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:49:11 +0000

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