I love this song - Id have slept naked - and not slept likely - - TopicsExpress


I love this song - Id have slept naked - and not slept likely - but heres my take - on Bachelor in Paradise - part of it anyway.... Just finished watching the Bachelor in Paradise finale. It was a much better series than I anticipated - it was interesting analyzing all the relationships, the individual personalities, and how their respect or lack of it for each other, inhibited them from overcoming differences or allowed love to flourish. Sarah lost her love because she rejected him, and he lost his love - Sarah because he thought she rejected him before it happened, and didnt ever try to communicate what he thought, or why he chose to act the way he did, as if she should have known, or did know, or couldve agreed without knowing. It was not something I would have done, but I felt sorry for both of them, I understood them both, and exactly what the other tried to do and why, and that both wanted the other, but neither believed it He felt his actions were showing that he didnt need anything more from her, that he felt fantastic without any special event, and was respecting her by not wanting to go too far too fast, just because it was expected, or because it was a rare opportunity. She felt that he could not have been into her to not want to make the most of the opportunity to get physical and intimate in paradise. He was insulted by her ignorance of his desire to do right by her, and felt like she was just using him, didnt really understand, and thus didnt appreciate him like he did her, and she thought, and knew that he did not get just how much she really was into him, and wanted him to open up and reveal all. Advice to her in dealing with the introverted version of her personality, she shouldnt put a gun to his head about breaking out of his comfort zone with her when his comfort in that zone is his way of showing how close he feels, because the distrust and disbelief and impatience and lack of recognition for his genuine feelings that he shows in a responsible way despite his wishes, keeps him from the trust in her that he needs to commit enough to open up. He needs to understand that very few people in this world communicate the love they feel with inhibiting the expression of their lust, or finding a comfort zone, and to communicate when there is a difference in intention instead of assuming either understanding by the other or assuming ill intent instead. If either person had understood the personality of the other, they would have received the signals - unspoken or unexpressed demonstratively by either - and trusted enough to discover the truth that BOTH were crazy in love. They didnt need to break up, and they were both fools - Sarah in this case was the lesser fool in my opinion because she knew what she wanted and was not a child feeling silently sorry for herself unwilling to try to do what does not come naturally even when it was clear there was nothing to lose by it, but she too could have overcome the understandable relative immaturity of her guy, and been the one who helped him through the confusion, but she gave up without giving any credence to his words - which he spoke with bravery, but she took as what such would have meant coming from her-just words. He thought she should know, and she thought she would know if he showed her. He thought because she distrusted his words, and his intent, and his feeling, that she wasnt into him, and so why should he let her use him any further. She thought, I might want to be with him as more than just A guy if he just lets me give him a try - which really is unfair - a good guy wont give it a try - at least not a guy who is good enough to want and expect more and give it. youtube/watch?v=2vFLW-idOxk
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:12:33 +0000

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