I love this speech by Jim Carrey. It made me reflect on my own - TopicsExpress


I love this speech by Jim Carrey. It made me reflect on my own journey, and encouraged me that I am on the right path. Quick self-indulgent backstory (LOL): I spent 12 years in a finance career that I had no passion for. It paid well, it was super-safe, and I didnt want to waste my economics degree, so I stuck at it. I always loved art (on the inside), but I never felt like I was good enough at it, and was too scared to embarass myself by trying it. But then, five years ago, when I lost two beautiful step-parents and a gorgeous young cousin all in a tiny space of time, I decided life was fragile and you cant put off chasing your dreams until you think you are good enough or the time is right. I decided then and there that the only time we have is NOW, and we better make every second count, before there are no seconds left. So I set about chasing my dream of being a body artist. So (like lots of you I imagine), as soon as the kids were in bed or at school, I inhaled every piece of information I could find, went to every training course in a two-state radius, practiced until the wee hours every night and generally became pretty obsessed with learning this artform. People thought it was a weird profession, LOL!, and I got a few odd looks (its a hard job title to pop into conversation at preschool drop-off, I am sure people thought I was some sort of pervert!) but I had so much support and love from everyone around me, so I pushed on even though I was terrified before every shoot, and second-guessed myself before every live show. To be honest, five years on, I am still scared before lots of my jobs, and maybe I always will be, maybe everyone is like that? And maybe thats all part of the thrill of the journey. That cliched saying Feel the fear and do it anyway is maybe where the feeling of fulfillment comes from. I dont know, but it works for me! I cant feel sad for all the years I wasnt brave enough to try it sooner, because theres a time and place for everything, and I wouldnt change a thing. But to think I could have lived my whole life and never known how this feels because I was scared to try, just amazes me. Thats the scariest scenario of all! This job has taken me to places I never thought Id see, given me experiences and feelings and chills I never thought Id have, and I cant even imagine having never given it a go. Maybe I am overthinking a little speech by Jim Carrey (LOL!!) but it really touched me. Maybe it will touch you too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 14:51:23 +0000

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