I love to do this It calms and soothes The worldly issues - TopicsExpress


I love to do this It calms and soothes The worldly issues And domestic Conflict With ppl you grew up with Saw you at your worst Halfway headed to a hearse Saw you get sorta back on track Thank god for that! Its not my fault Im sad Its just how it is now This second Next day I may Be learning a new lesson? About how to be myself while not abusing my medicine Its not lol No David letterman No time to dwell Bc the past is gone And Im better than the words said To get in my head Thats just words Im ready for life Big stuff Like actually being heard ! Im not that concerned With the lack of concern Im more interested To not get burned By lifes blind herds Of hurting dudes and messed up birds Theres a big difference from what you know And what you heard ! I know this And am not discouraged Bc these are just words From the sick and disturbed Who really cares ? What they look like To the weak type ? Its like a straight guy mad bc a dyke Wouldnt be his wife?!!!!! It just doesnt matter! If 90% of ppl I know See Im not even close to just average! Im gifted with the gift of wisdom Fortunate for me Its my life and my decisions They dont get to say if I lose or win Im in this to end up a winner. Its no ones but my decision Sister just said shes sorry I wanted to cry But instead I just said so am I That is why I need to remember that i have been an asshole A lot of Decembers Through the months I cant even remember On year long benders Trying to stay even tempered I must have hurt her someway? I cant pretend I dont ask repent From the ones I know as my blood Regardless of what I did or does She still cares Just on her own journey Up lifes stairs I hope she gets through college I wasnt ever prepared For academic affairs I want her to be happy See her with love Not cold stares Bc Im always her brother No one but me can Be the son of my mother Thats why that earlier fight Means little now Bc someway Somehow A miracle happened And Meredith had a human reaction To the fact that she had made statements Of rage Not a thing she meant to say But either way Tomorow is another day And the toxic house Will still remain A place for the crazy The ppl who arent sane! Were a collective Lack of compassion And love for self satisfaction All in love with our man made distractions But the father Hes lost any respect all honor His name means nothing And my kids will no nothing of him! Lonely and broken He did this to himself And now I disown him Im so not joking Dead sincere Not a drop of love left For a disease named Steven We will break even! Even If it takes 10000 Weak ins To weekends I wont forgive The man turned demon Regardless of year Regardless of season All those words I simply delete them Im ok for right now Right this evening
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 01:31:39 +0000

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