I love whole heartedly. Sometimes I think its a curse. I try to - TopicsExpress


I love whole heartedly. Sometimes I think its a curse. I try to always be humble and to be respectful. This has been acquired, I was not always this way. Being quick to stop and think and not just blurt things out what comes to mind in anger takes practice..haha Here is a biblical term of getting angry. Righteous indignation! So getting upset when it matters! When others are mistreated and you don’t feel concerned you are in denial or I say you have no compassion. God designed anger to put our rear ends into action!! The bible says God is angry with the wicked every day in Psalms 7:11. Even Jesus went off when he saw his Father’s house being desecrated. He turned over tables of tax collectors and ran loan sharks away. It was his Passion for God’s house that overcame him. (John 2:17). He couldn’t keep being passive or compromise. God calls all of us to take action when the weak and vulnerable are “used and abused.” Having a hot temper is totally different. That isn’t the fruit of Godly motivation. That part is driven by worldly motivation. Balaam was angry when he was questioned and his pride was hurt .(Numbers 22:29) Getting angry from jealousy because His gift wasn’t excepted and his brothers was. Cain!! He was also angry because he felt his brother Able was blessed more than us. (Genesis 4:3-7) Some people are selfish and get angry when they don’t get their way. Sort of like Haman did when Mordecai wouldn’t bow down to him. King Saul had jealous anger over David’s popularity. 1Samuel 18:8) Look, my point is simple. Watch out where your anger comes from. Be slow to anger and don’t fly off the handle. If you are having a discussion, sometimes it is good to take time to think about things before you speak. Even if it is a spouse, good friend, co-worker or a child. Sometimes you have to say, let me pray about that. But sometimes you do need to jump to action to help someone in distress. We are told in Ephesians 4:26-27 “If you are angry, be sure it is not a sinful anger…DON’T GIVE THE DEVIL A FOOTHOLD”!!!! Proverbs 29:22 (NLT) An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin. Dear Lord, We Praise you Lord Jesus!!! Just Praise you first and foremost !!! Thank you for your amazing word that teaches us with so much wisdom. Lord Thank you for the guide to our goal, be more Christ like everyday. Lord forgive me for the times I have lost my temper over sinful issues in my past. Lord Thank you for molding this clay even more!! Lord Thank you for your Love, Grace and Mercy! Thank you for your unconditional Love!! Thank you for teaching us to have all of these with others. Lord Thank you for our salvation and the sacrifice for us. Thank you Lord for your blessings. You are an amazing God and your timing is perfect, even when we don’t see it. Lord my faith is in you!!! Lord we ask for healing for our friends and family that are sick or recovering from issues. Lord we ask your healing hand be on them and your loving arms around them. Lord we pray and lift up our friends and family that are battling harsh times in their life. Depression, Addictions, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Exhaustion, Instability, Brokenness, Lost in the valley, Lost in a tunnel. Lord lead them thru their valley to your mountain and Shine the light at the end their tunnel today. Show them there is an end!! We rebuke the footholds that the devil has gotten in their lives and command him to flee in YOUR NAME JESUS!!! Lord Thank you for picking us up when we fall and fail and loving us regardless of the situation!! Lord our silent prayers are being lifted to you, we all need help with something Lord and you know our prayers!! Thank you Lord!! Lord Jesus watch over us today. Watch over our children and their schools and bless the teachers Lord. Keep your angels all around us. Lord help us today as we go into this world to be all that we can be! Lord Jesus walk with us every step. Lord light our path and light our souls for others to see. Lord Jesus guide me as a leader for my children and my family. Lord your will be done with me. In your Holy name we pray…..
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:31:14 +0000

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