I love you all so much and I know you all love me and everyone - TopicsExpress


I love you all so much and I know you all love me and everyone else the same .. but I want you all to know that the love we have for each other is nothing compared to that which the Creator has for us all .. .. His Love does not waver as ours, ours waxes cold at times and even dies .. we fall in and out of love .. but Gods love is constant, never ending and so powerful when you encounter it you are never the same again, you never forget it .. it changes you completely, it affects your very fabric, triggers something in you that you never knew was there .. it gives you the desire to share it, its uncontainable, unshakable and unrelenting .. and so, when Im not sharing His Love on this fantastic platform, this virtual stage. . Im biting my tongue Each one of you is here for a reason, reading my posts, listening to my wild theories, prophetic interpretations, urgent pleadings and what must seem like crazy, far-out, claims of whats really happening in the World today .. I hope that, despite the posts that deal with Biblical issues that you may know nothing about, that through all this, you get the message that God loves you as much as He loves me or the next person .. despite your thoughts of inadequacy that may have been ingrained into your psyche by the cold hard religion of the established sects ... God requires nothing but your attention, once He has that, He can show you the way into His arms and Kingdom .. a moment in His presence drenches you completely, breaking your will to run the things of this world for comfort, your need to surpress your spirit with vices that block His Love .. He replaces everything youve known with everything He has .. and things are never the same again, once the veil that blocks out the spiritual has been lifted .. you can finally see If you desire to share in this love all you need do is pray, lay all that you are before Him, He can already see it, He just needs your wilfull surrender, without it, you are still a child of this World .... He is not a God who forces Himself upon His creation, He does not want you by force, He just needs your wilfull surrender, just put yourself in His hands completely ... and He will take you willingly .. and change you completely, in a moment, in the blink of an eye He will drench you with waves of joy and peace and love like nothing you have ever known and this is but a taste of what He has instore for those that love Him .. He will take you to the cross which causes you to bear your very soul .. and you see what its all about, you get the picture .. once you encounter the purity and perfection of the kingdom, you realise your own broken state, not matter how good a life youve led, your sins are before you, whether they be one little lie or .. the deception of the century, compared to the Kingdom and all who dwell there, we are all wretched, our very presence would affect its perfection. .. and so, we must be made new again, we must be reborn, spiritually free from the things of this World, where corruption has invaded the fabric of life, tainted our souls with anger, hate, lust, lies ... all these things mean were not fit for Heaven .. BUT ... God has provided a way back into the Kingdom for those whove tasted and asked for His love ... by providing One who was innocent and untainted by the corruption of this World and was unjustly put to death and so, the door that had to be shut between Heaven and Earth to keep out the corruption in man, was opened to let the innocent in and now, those who call on His name enter in, He has earned the right to bring those who call on His name exemption from the price for their sins, because justice was not done when He was sentenced to death without sin, the Law was broken and so, by His door, the Law of death has no claim ... for existence is governed by laws and rules by which no part of it is exempt or, there would be no lines to separate good from evil, bad from good, purity from that which is soiled and the spiritual realms would be nothing but muddy waters .. an eternal glump by separation Yah is Holier than all else, His brightness and love are incredible, untouched, unblemished, purer than pure .. the opposite is just as extreme you have a choice to make. the door is open but ... time dictates that soon it must close and all must change. The timing is perfect as evil grows daily and morality is lost ... soon there will be nothing but suffering and Yah must save what is His. He must take the children and those who have chosen Him .. soon .. He aill withdraw His love His beautiful, pure, drenching, peaceful, fantastic, amazing love ...... I cant do it justice with words. . choose Christ before its too late ~ brotherly, motherly, married, love have no comparison to the Love of God .. you will learn a new kimd of love when you know Him
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 04:11:10 +0000

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