I love you castle boys!!!! I could bring up a thousand favorite - TopicsExpress


I love you castle boys!!!! I could bring up a thousand favorite memories, but one that stands out was being inside the tribal nexus pyramid, full of anticipation, being painted up and feeling like I was going off to battle. When the time came, we started a droning yell, building until we came into harmony with each other, and then, the drumming started fast and furious and the stage began to tremble, we lurched forward out of the darkness and as i gained my focus I realized I was face to face with what seemed like thousands of wild savages, yelling and undulating to the drumming. BOOM BA DOOM BA, BOOM BA DOOM BA, BOOM BA DOOM BA HEY!!!! My Zed brothers and I played with a fervor and spirit that is the stuff of legends, as blood poured on our heads from above, we frantically poured ourselves into the rhythm... I woke up the next morning and my tent looked like a massacre had occurred the night before. But i was filled with a satisfaction and warmth that is the rarest kind. You folks are actually magic, though it may be time for you to move on from the folk festival, the mojo is not with the land you build upon, but with the love and perseverance and energy you put into whatever project you undertake. Mistworld stands forever in solidarity with you!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:56:16 +0000

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