I m sorry I need to go but I like to let you all know when - TopicsExpress


I m sorry I need to go but I like to let you all know when Manmohan singh came we gave him full respect but We dint beat Rajdeep Sandesai. He is the one who was Provoking us and was using ugly words.. But forgive me for writing in English Dont try to play games with us Indo- Americans .. Indian Journalists especially Rajdeep Sardeshi who always had hounded PM Narendra Modi when he was CM of Gujrat. He even got slapped of words along with Nidhi Razdan when they both invited British MP who has to constantly reminding Rajdeep Sardeshi to behave and respect their own Indian Superior Court. CNN -IBN should expel this rude journalist who always insuating the Indo - Americans in New York. He is Lucky a Indo American man just pushed him away ( dint beaten him as Digg Vijay did several time) and other stopped the Indo American man but Rajdeep extreme shamelessly keep on provoking the violence by keep on repeating 2002 Riots and forget about Godhra Train. He carried vicious campaign against modi while British MP gave him tight slap . I urge IBN and CNN You dont need this shamelessly bold crook who spew venom against his own Nation PM and Provoking people in front of the Camera.. He never even took action against diggy ji who have beaten up with his shoes a protestor .. If You support this Rajdeep Crook Please dont comment on my time line as a Indo- American Please dont take us for granted. You can charge double for our saris in India but dont test our patience and love for our mother land India . We Love our Birth Land and We know what we are doing.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:10:07 +0000

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