I made a little old Lady cry at the store yesterday and it - TopicsExpress


I made a little old Lady cry at the store yesterday and it absolutely made my day. Not feeling well and heading home from resolving a bill issue, I had to stop by the grocery to pick up a couple of things. Leaving Fat Doggie in the car; locked, running with Stevie Ray and the A/C on right in front of the door so dont freak, I wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. Not wanting to even make eye contact with anybody much less talk with anyone, my heart kind of sank when I heard, Excuse me, Sir from behind. Turning, there was a sweet, tiny, and visibly frail woman of about (80) eighty years old pushing; more like leaning on, a shopping cart and holding a yellow piece of paper with just a few things neatly written. Instinctively as opposed to any real desire to interact, I asked if there was anything I could help her with as she apologized for having thought I was an employee. Not caring about the confusion but wanting to expeditiously end the interaction, I offered to help her find a box of Cream of Wheat...the last item on her list. It took me a few minutes as this isnt typically an item I buy, but we located it quickly and she was surprisingly and very noticeably relieved with the find. Heading back to get that for which I came and to sink back into my cocoon of discomfort, we parted as she hobbled away to the check out line. Before doing so, she gave thanks several times and expressed more heartfelt appreciation than that deserved for the task accomplished. By chance timing, when I got back out to Djaingo; he survived quite well for the few minutes without me, and getting into my vehicle, I looked up and noticed my gray-haired little Friend was struggling to get across the parking lot. There was a transport van from her assisted living facility that was apparently waiting at the other entrance and she was walking in the totally opposite direction. This time it was a true desire to assist and I ran over to help her with her groceries and into the waiting van. Asking to take her bags and offering my elbow for escort, we headed back and I took her hand as she gingerly stepped in and sat down. This is when she looked up with tears in her eyes and explained that she had been wandering around inside the store for (30) thirty minutes and was not only lost, but desperately frustrated in not being able to find the last item needed. When I came up to her in the parking lot; she continued, she couldnt find the Handi-Van and was afraid she had been left. In fear and with confusion while walking up and down the supermarket aisle just a few minutes earlier, she whispered a prayer for peace and for our Father God to help her simply get home. Little did I realize I would be; or honestly even wanted to be, the answer to anybodys prayers when I truly just wanted to get home, but...I was. And, for what or with what effort? In simply being kind, I answered her prayers. On the flip side...Grace; as she introduced herself as I closed the passenger door, Blessed me immeasurably by making me look past myself when I didnt feel like it. But more importantly, this unexpected and initially dreaded interaction made me once again realize we continually Bless one another, of how powerful prayer truly is, and what an awesome Father God we have. As I walked back to my waiting Fat Doggie, a tear gently ran down my cheek.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 20:55:58 +0000

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