I made up my mind to examine my life, slow down and stop things I - TopicsExpress


I made up my mind to examine my life, slow down and stop things I have been wasting precious time on. You should do the same. You should start living, make the best of every minute. Here are some things to consider. Avoid distractions that keep you from enjoying the special people in your life. It’s time to start paying real attention to the special people in your life. Just hold your wife, cuddle up to your husband and listen to his heartbeat. Enjoy the warmth of his chest. Laugh together. Sit on the balcony and watch the sun go down on a Sunday. Pay attention to the little things, because when either of you ‘leaves’, those are moments that will keep you going if you make time for them now. Count your mutual blessings. Let go for a little while and just enjoy being together. Have dedicated downtime. You have worked hard and there will be work tomorrow. Don’t fool yourself that if you are not at work, heaven will cave in. The world functioned nicely before you entered it and breaking news… it will run even more smoothly when you are no longer here. Schedule time every day to not be busy. My doctor, years ago, told me to take one hour off every day when I do nothing but relax; no news, no deadline, no editing. It worked like magic. So, let’s clear points in the day to reflect, rest, and recharge. Don’t fool yourself, you can actually afford that one hour of sanity. You can’t have everything. That is the truth that will stop you and me from running around like headless chickens. You can only sleep in one bed, ride in one car at a time. And never ever forget this: there are millions of people out there who will never have what you have right now. Those things you take for granted are what some people are praying and fasting for. Appreciate what you already have and thank God who gave you those things that He hasn’t given others. Stop worrying about mistakes of the past. It’s ok if you mess up, just learn from them. It’s ok to fall, just don’t stay down. Get up and move on. Mistakes make us wiser. I have decided that my mistakes will motivate me, not keep me morose or depressed. I won’t give up because I didn’t get it right yesterday. And negative experiences from my past won’t predict my future. Life is to be enjoyed not endured. I have made up my mind to recite this line to myself every day. Give yourself a break and buy that bag you’ve been eyeing for months. Go to the South of France, do a boat cruise because when the coffin is shut, it is over. Live a little. Spend some of the money you are making. The Bible says it shall be well with you and YOU shall eat the fruit of your hands. The perfect time is now. You can’t always wait for the perfect moment because there is no such thing as a perfect moment. Scale the fence of fear and do what you need to do. What if you leave it till tomorrow and then tomorrow never comes… . Start that business. Tell that guy you like him a lot. Buy that land. Just do it. Regrets are fruitless efforts. Don’t let your life be defined by the things you once did or didn’t do. What’s done is done. Leave it where it is, in your past. Stop beating yourself up over what you can no longer change. Maybe you could have done something differently, or maybe not. You can’t turn back the hand of the clock. So, move on. Stop trying to impress everybody. Your family, your friends, the society, those are the people we think must approve what we want, the people we must please. What if the things that please them hurt us? Everyone doesn’t have to like me and I don’t have to like everyone. It perfectly ok to do what makes me happy because at the end of the day, it’s my life. Haven’t you noticed that no matter how hard you try, someone will be disappointed, dissatisfied with what you do? So just live your life because the only person whose happiness really counts in the final analysis is you. I leave you with this food for thought: The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” Are you living or postponing everything till tomorrow?
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:30:29 +0000

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