I make no apologies for who I am. I am feisty, shy, smart, - TopicsExpress


I make no apologies for who I am. I am feisty, shy, smart, silly, broken, whole, angry, energetic, tired, lovely, beautiful, boring, exciting ..I am a walking oxymoron and I make no apologies for who I am. My mistakes have made me who I am, my lifestyle has taught me even the most wayward person can change. I believe in love, I believe in the power of God, and I believe in change. And guess what? I make no apologies for who I am. I’ve made all kinds of mistakes, some you may see, some you may never know. I have said things I wish I could take back, held on to anger and bitterness for far too long and yet I still make no apologies for who I am. I have loved the most hurt person back to health. Helped my dearest of friends in their times of needs. I have brought a smile to the face of people in their darkest times.I know who I am, I know my mistakes do not define me, my anger does not control me, my hope can move mountains, my joy is contagious and my love is overwhelming. You can try and label me, try and use your own small words to define me, but you won’t even get close… nowhere in the ballpark…. because who I am has nothing to do with what you think of me. I make no apologies for who I am. My feet will be rooted in my own truth of who I am, not the thoughts or opinions of critics. I’m emotional, I love a good cry, cannot live without a good laugh, and anticipate my next great hug. One may call me a sweetheart, another may call me a jerk… Depending on what day it is they may both be right. And that’s okay.. Feel free to be you! Don’t apologize for being too soft or for coming off too hard. If you’re happy with who you are, no wait, if you LOVE, who you are why change for someone else? You answer to one person and one person only and that’s God. You don’t have to pick a side, people are not just black or white, we are beautiful varying shades of gray. Don’t label me, don’t put me in a box. I love these beautiful scars life has given me, I won’t apologize when you see my scars, see my flaws or mistakes because they have all made me who I am. If you love me for who I am, my past shouldn’t change that. Don’t change you for them…Change you for you…The people who care for you, will love you even more when you fully embrace who you are. The people who leave when you fall in love with yourself, don’t deserve to have you anyway. Don’t allow someone to place shame on you or your life… You mess up, you apologize, you fix it, and you move on… Don’t let the weight of your mistakes drown you. If you find yourself losing person after person, it may not be them “hating” on you, it could be you not loving you… Love produces love… It’s true everyone may not like you but guess what? That’s their problem not yours. That’s why when you don’t like me, it doesn’t matter because “aint no love lost.” That means you can walk away or you can stay but you can’t change me, loving me. Don’t apologize for your beautiful scars, and don’t allow someone to keep picking at your wounds. You may not be where you want to be, you may not have progressed the way other’s felt you should have but this is your journey and yours alone. No one (not even you) knows the plan for your life, only God. You know what that means? No one can tell you “You should have been married by now” “You should have graduated earlier.” “You should’ve taken that job” “You should’ve bought that housse” or “You should have divorced her.” ….You know what they should have done? They should have minded their own business and focused on their life. Get your circle of people who’s opinion you respect and trust and when adversity hits go to that sounding board. Don’t let random people speak into your life or speak into your future. You cannot answer to society and answer to your God. You can apologize for things, apologize for mistakes, but don’t you dare apologize for who you are! The Bible says, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” The moment you become comfortable with yourself, your life will prosper. Your prosper may be in self-worth, may be in touching others lives, may be in riches or fames… but you cannot prosper until you plant your feet and refuse to be shifted by the ways of the world
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 09:31:45 +0000

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