I may be getting into heavier material here. Too heavy for some - TopicsExpress


I may be getting into heavier material here. Too heavy for some to follow (if you havent stopped already). Take your time with these. I think its preferable to witness these kinds of reports as fully as possible...so, only when you can afford to watch each of them straight through. Because, quite frankly, this is now the point where Ill be delving into more substantial (and important) attempts at posting. Where I can finally be able to get to what Ive been working up towards. You just might say, most of the other posts were just an appetizer for this main course. If it doesnt take to your particular way of thinking, then I dont know...what can I say? But, hope you still follow. So, some years after first dealing with a certain situation one might call my awakening (though, lets just call it a breakdown instead...to make others feel better), It seemed as though I was starting to make progress on bringing my folks to a frame of mind near to where Ive been these past years (whether that was a good idea, or not, I dont know). I was doing so through the use of select videos that I had decided from moderately careful analysis. And, well, certain familial complications arose that put a damper on me going any further with my carefully prescribed regimen of video clips for their minds (not to get too pompous, here). And, as of now, it hasnt really continued. So, I figured theres nothing preventing me from spreading this stuff to an even wider audience to get a still wider range of an effect. And, say, test my skills at dispersing information. Nothing...unless, well, the Facebook community has a different idea in mind. I decided to group these together in the manner I initially viewed them (for whatever effect that might have). They go a long way to describe the actions of those particularly malignant people who, apparently (and unfortunately), inhabit some of the highest levels of our social hierarchy. If we were referring to it more zoologically, one might describe it as a peripheral glimpse into the behavior of the human subspecies the psychopath. A report on observations of their natural habitat, if you will. To me, they even get closer than normal, to sniffing out the potential base of operations from which the most unsavory of these types are allowed to exert a greater level of influence than virtually anyone else. A level of influence that has obviously proven to be to the detriment of all (including themselves). A true nest of psychopaths of the worst variety. Psychopaths dont talk openly about their true personality, nor do they want to (much the way, conversely, people of my persuasion would if they could, but usually cant). And since youre not going to get open personal discussions on the everyday life of important psychopathic figures in our world (for obvious reasons), you then need to rely on an observer. And I think the guy in most of these videos seems like a rather keen observer. If what he observes is true, then I guess you could safely say there is a cancer upon this society. A rot that is tearing quite deeply into it. Much the way I speak of these influences degrading society by supposition, this guy examines their effects more directly, here. The sickness has spread. If you cant feel it by now, then I hate to break it to you, but you might be dead (hey, that rhymes). One way or the other, this guy should knock you out of the mindset youve been in...certainly if youre the kind of person whos been feeling bored with youre life. So, see how you take the information. See if it has a similar effect on you as it did on certain people in my household. It might just be too controversial for you to take. Why dont you find out? If you want to know what Im going on about...these are the videos. They are some of the work of Alex Jones. Incidently, the guy who I showed you talking about psychopaths in the another post, Jon Ronson, did something of an expose on him (to his confusion). Regardless, he is quite eccentric. To some, he is just a gruff blowhard who likes the sound of his own voice. To others, he is the modern John the Baptist, crying out from the wilderness (or airwaves). Im not going to go into which of these opinions I am more in line with (if you cant tell). This one really goes into the illusory (yet, all too deadly) nature of certain conflicts currently going on in the world. Conflicts, that you should come to realize by now, are stoked (and often, started) by those influences I have been referring to so often, here. Influences who happen to get an upper hand over us when extreme dysfunctionality takes hold amongst our ranks...across the world. Though, of course, some may find it inflammatory to their political views. Why not test yourself? https://youtube/watch?v=PTAfxI86yK8 This one might be seen as inflammatory to yet another political subset. But, stay with it. https://youtube/watch?v=ktpHpwhpMAQ This one gets even closer to the main issue, if you ask me. https://youtube/watch?v=04s9VgxmpJg This one is longer. And, in it, their is a brief reference to autism as a disability. So, that is where it would be useful to keep in mind the concept I presented in a previous post of malautism being the condition that such people mean in these particular cases (even if theyre not made privy to that). Still, that doesnt change the message of the speakers. It has the confessions and opinions of a rather esteemed professor about some decidedly unsavory developments in our culture as they occur through academia. https://youtube/watch?v=-wBIZC4buGU This one I didnt quite get around to showing my folks (for the aforementioned reason) and I figured that, hey, they could just see it now along with (hopefully) some others. Its about the Federal Reserve, and is a full length documentary (so, keep the length in mind). It gets deeply into that particular institution, which is so near the top of the hierarchy of corruption in our world (and thus, the power of the most deceiving individuals of the species) that I would say youve probably been far too close (at least, intellectually) to some of these same seriously bad influences if you havent come to realize that by now. Though, instead of Alex Jones doing this one, its an effort by fellow corruption tracker, James Corbett, of the Corbett Report...not to be confused with the Colbert Report, as (unlike Colbert) he specializes in covering a decidedly different kind of comedy...the comedy of horrors (real horrors, at that). https://youtube/watch?v=5IJeemTQ7Vk
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:28:06 +0000

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