I may have wrote about this some time ago but it bears repeating - TopicsExpress


I may have wrote about this some time ago but it bears repeating and so I hope you enjoy and that it will encourage you to take heart in your efforts to reach the lost and dying in your sphere of influence. I have been a Rush Limbaugh listener off and on every since he first went on the air nationwide back in another century! I dont listen to him religiously as 3 hours of this one and 3 hours of that one and the other and it sounds like Pete and Repeat were in the boat....and Im sure you got tired of that one after a short while! But he was always responding as they do today to the headlines and Bill Clinton was busy downsizing our armed forces and while he was busy decommissioning our active bases across the land he had a campaign called An Army of One... Rush was busy trying to explain what was going on with the downsizing of our armed forces and it wouldnt be for another decade or better before we realized we were in trouble but the notion of an army of one was of course good for a talk show host. But as I began mulling this Army of One over in my mind...it dawned on me that there was a message in that thought and with that I was drawn to many accounts in the scripture where that thought would be applicable. We are living in a society that follow trends and forty years ago a church of 2-3,000 was considered a mega church and today we have non denominational (anyhow thats what they call themselves) churches in small rural communities with a praise band and a light show now running between a 1,000 - 1,500 and this has become standard fare. I remember preachers saying how they would go to conferences to be encouraged and sometimes they were until they hopped in their cars and headed back home to the few sheep they were tending in the flock and the most noise they got out of there flock was from the goats or the wolves in sheeps clothing that kept showing up at eating time. And they had this eat and purge thing going on and so after a while you think whats the use as they dont really appreciate the man of God and his work. And that attitude has a way of rubbing off on the good sheep in the fold and pretty soon they get this attitude of why in the world should I invite someone as they never come and when one would show up...wouldnt you know it ...the PA isnt working and the air conditioner is way too cold and on and on the list goes and so after a while you just give it up and who will be the wiser...simply because you dont recongnize the Army of One! She was just a little indentured servant and this girl though a slave in the house of a wealthy man in a foreign land had the attitude of gratitude and little did she know that her attitude was the way of a winner and they were paying more attention to what she spoke than one could ever imagine. If we could possess the attitude of I have learned to be content in whatsoever state I am in... I have learned how to be abased and I have learned how to abound and that attitude is the key to An army of One Her master Naaman though highly decorated and in the lap of luxury and very much a person in demand he was of all things a leper! And while he didnt have the foggiest idea of how he would ever see a happy ending to his story, he caught wind of a ray of hope that came from the lips of that little maid from the land of Israel. And of course we know the story how that testimony caused him to get so excited and his imagination went to work as no one in all of Syria had given him such hope as this little girl had with a passing comment of her desire for her master would God, my lord were with the prophet so she wasnt ashamed to be a witness though a slave...presently a tail and not the head...if you please but her attitude spoke volumes that day with the balance of her words for he would recover him of his leprosy..passion (NOT SYMPATHY) moved on the heart of the king when he received word of what that little girl had spoken... our world doesnt need our sympathy, they need to feel the compassion dwelling within our bosoms....out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh faith is contagious! We are wanting to tell our world and our neighbors about KABOOM church and ...Im all for a exuberant praise gathering but that doesnt do a lick of good for someone with an incurable disease such as leprosy...that will excite a fellow believer but a word in due season is what this girls spoke...she didnt say Deborah danced and played the tambourine and believe me this little maid knew that story but that wouldnt be something the needy could relate to! Am I getting the mail delivered....I sure hope so...because weve got the power, its in the name of Jesus, Weve got the power, its in the name of the Lord......do you feel what Im feeling right now...tell them about the power of God that is present to heal the sick and to deliver those in need thru faith in his wonderful name! 2014 The year of Unexpected and unbelievable miracles... just waiting on an army of one to open their mouth and share the faith...passing it on. Oh wait...did you see verse 4 and there we have another army of one....And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel. See II Kings 5 :4 Despise not the day of small things.....! to be continued....
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:31:05 +0000

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