I may not always do right but I am here to preach whats right. - TopicsExpress


I may not always do right but I am here to preach whats right. Hopefully as time progresses, I can clean myself up more and more so that my actions match my preachings. That is the challenge we all face...being imperfect, being human. That is why we all need a savior. Im not ashamed of God or believing in Him. I am not ashamed because you shun God or because you berate me. I am not going to deny him because its easier or because it is not cool to believe in God. I am not going to deny him because you say God who is love is hate or bigotry. I will never deny God because God is always there for me. He has saved my life, shaped my life. He is the reason I am here. He is the reason I live. He is the reason that we all live. Let all that have breath praise the Lord. So, again, I will not deny Christ to get a girl or to impress people. I will stay single if necessary and use my singleness to preach to the nations. That is why I started No More Obaminations and that is why I will continue the good fight and continue to speak out against whats wrong...no matter the costs. Did Jesus not pay the ultimate cost and make the ultimate sacrifice on the cross when he died for our sins? He gave his life so that we may have eternal life. Now, He also gave us free will to choose for ourselves. So, if you dont want eternal life in heaven with your maker and if you choose to deny that there even is a creator, then so be it. That is your choice. However, every action has a consequence and God is keeping track of our actions. He knows our hearts. He will not be fooled or tricked into letting us into heaven on judgement day. That is why it is so important that we are right with Him each and every moment of each and every day. I love Jesus Christ My Savior. He is not made up. He is real. He is not dead. He is alive! He was born, crucified, rose again and descended into heaven until that day when He will return and rule for a thousand years on earth from Jerusalem, Israel! I hope that happens in my lifetime. I hope that God knows that even though I am not perfect and that I sin, that I do know He died for my sins and that he is real. If it wasnt for my mother, father, brother and a couple of close friends, then I would pray to God to take me away from this cruel cold world now. There is nothing for me in this world. It is empty, repetitive and filled with people who seek to do evil instead of good (just as was prophesied would be in the end times). Jesus is coming back soon and it is important that WE all be ready and have a strong relationship with Him. So, go ahead talk about me. Try to knock me down but if you do, then Ill get back up. I always do. God says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Its time to start living life according to God the creator and not according to people the creation. Ill leave you with a quick story. Once upon a time, my friend Dan died in a car accident. He was decapitated. He wasnt my first friend to have died and he certainly wouldnt be the last. When he died, I thought to myself, I never told him about Jesus. I felt responsible for him potentially being in hell for all eternity and all I would have had to do is just witness to him about God. But I was too embarrassed and too ashamed. People would tell me that that was a lot to be putting on my shoulders and that I shouldnt put that on myself. I told them, Never again will I not tell a friend and/or an enemy about Jesus. If He is real (which I believe in my heart that He is), then it is better to live life as if there is a Jesus and to die to find out there isnt than to live life as if there is no God and to die to find out there is one. Never again will I not be a witness. I know some will hate me for it and many will persecute me but so be it. That is expected. It isnt easy but it is expected. Life isnt about pleasing the flesh. Its about doing whats Godly. That is how you obtain true happiness. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength! I encourage all of you to accept Jesus into your heart. Believe in Him and trust in the Lord and He will make your paths straight. I hope to see you all in heaven someday friends and that is why I share this with you today.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:58:48 +0000

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