I may not be the most qualified person to give parenting advice, - TopicsExpress


I may not be the most qualified person to give parenting advice, but my opinion I shall offer nonetheless. Gender roles, when it comes to marriage, is one thing. To each his own. Some guys accept a womans portrayed role as a nurturer to her husband and the gentler of the species, as well as some women accept their man as the protector and the dominant half. When it comes to child-rearing, though... Just stop that silliness. You mothers of boys are, at some point, going to be presented with a situation that needs an answer that the father isnt going to be able to answer immediately, and vice-versa with you fathers. Moms, especially ones doing it on your own: How are you going to deal with little Johnny when he asks you to teach him how to throw a football and daddy is out of town or out of the picture? Is it going to be you that has to teach him to change the oil in his first car? Dads, especially ones doing it on your own: Your little Suzie... When she has her first broken heart, are you going to react with caring and understanding of her feelings or further drive her down the emotional path shes already on? When she wants her hair French-braided or her nails painted a certain way? Her first period? We live in a different world now. Gender-roles arent as convenient as they once may have been. My advice is to take the role of raising your child to be self-sufficient, whether they are male or female, and whether you are as well.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:42:35 +0000

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