I may offend some folks, but the Catholic Church is an arrogant, - TopicsExpress


I may offend some folks, but the Catholic Church is an arrogant, counterfeit Christian world religious power, founded by the Roman Constantine a little over 300 A.D. and has undergone changes, alterations, modifications, evolving itself to make itself more people-friendly and has a bloody history of bullying, stealing, ruling, rape and pillaging, wars and murder, and earning salvation through works. This religious power has dominated countries; calling the shots. Study history. There is nothing Christlike or scripturally sound about this religion. At one point, they sold documents to people that guaranteed they would go to Heaven, in exchange for money. There is nothing Christlike about this religion. The church is set up with Roman flare and is riddled with rites and un-scripturally based doctrines. In fact, much of its doctrines are completely opposite of what the scriptures say, such as praying to dead people, using Mary as a mediator (Jesus position). Jesus even talked about not using repetitious prayer which is exactly what they do! It is filled with bling and idols, relics and paganistic symbols. Theyve dominated the world over the years, both tyrannically and now under the umbrella of progressive secularism . Baptizing infants into the Catholic Church is to seal their salvation, when the truth is that salvation is a choice the individual must seek on their own.The Popes word is the same as Gods according to this religion, and they call their priests father, when Jesus Himself said to CALL NO MAN FATHER. They refer to Mary as the Mother of God when she was merely the human vessel who was asked to carry the Savior. (God has no mother). They also believe that Mary was sinless and Holy, just like Jesus. They determine who become saints, when the scriptures clearIy refer to born-again followers as the saints. And now they have joined with Muslim and other relgions to join hands and campaign for world peace. There will be no peace for humanity until Jesus returns to fulfill His plans and purposes for mankind. Mankind has proven that he cannot get along, throughout history. I could go on, but this is a synopsis.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:14:50 +0000

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