I meet Stuart Scott briefly at the UNITY convention in Chicago in - TopicsExpress


I meet Stuart Scott briefly at the UNITY convention in Chicago in 2008. Until then, I hadnt seriously considered a career in photojournalism. I was extra green. Hahaha. I was comfortable learning about photography through the scope of fine art, I hadnt written a caption in my life and I wasnt sure if photojournalism would be a good fit for me. Then NABJ introduced me to an entire new world. That convention was crazy! I made so many mistakes, got my butt kicked by other student photographers and at times felt so lost. The interesting thing is, through all those challenges, I somehow found a passion for photojournalism that summer. I met lifelong mentors who encouraged my curiosity, who taught me how to make images and how proved that my camera could take me places I never thought I would go. Having had a pretty challenging set of days before hand, I decided I would take some initiative and wake up early to cover the ESPN breakfast panel event during one of the final days of the conference. It was there that I ran into my Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity brothers Stan Verrett and Stuart Scott! As a young member of the Fraternity, I was honored to exchange a quick greeting before abruptly being cast back down into Neophyte duties, taking photos of the pair with several other Alphas in the conference room. :-) But before I could fix my own lips to ask for a photograph, Bro. Scott instructed me to come take a photo with them. Afterwards, I was able to exchange our grip with the two men. Smiling from ear to ear I told Stuart that he was my fathers favorite sportscaster. We spoke briefly about my aspirations to become a photographer, and although Ive since long forgotten the exact details of our conversation, one thing that always remained was his overwhelming positivity and sense of encouragement. I think many times, people are afraid to be themselves. They often struggle trying to fit someone elses idea of who they should be. For the courageous who choose to follow their own light, I truly believe they are blessed. In ways that only they can be, because they choose to honor Gods gifts despite mans criticism, professional or personal challenges. Stuarts individuality and authenticity was encouraging me as a young professional and it was because of his light that many other people like me have been inspired. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, your daughters, your ESPN family and fans. Brother Scott, rest well. Thank you for being a living example of true perseverance and excellence. Cooler than the other side of the pillow...onward and upward good brother!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:23:47 +0000

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