I mentioned about refining and moderating the energy just now and - TopicsExpress


I mentioned about refining and moderating the energy just now and Pat came a question why do you need to refine energy as it is Gods gift? why tamper with it? It is Gods gift no doubt but are we able to bear the raw energy in any form? would you be able to stand in a raging river,a high tide, a severe storm.Can you bear being struck by a bolt of lightening? We need to bring down the raw energy to a level so it is safe for all users. I will give an example: We normally think that the energies,attunement,empowerment, Transmission we send is safe. ( though most attunements sent by masters are pretty safe as the channeler sent only the moderated form.) I remember in 2010 Jan. a Renowned Master in Romania Requested me to send her my Gayatri empowerment, so I sent it,her feedback said she felt struck by lightening and swooned though later she felt very nice on the second time she called.If a Master with proven very high energy level gets affected what about others. In another case another renowned Master was nearly thrown out of her chair by the energy coming out of my Email announcing a new energy transmission. Since then I refine and moderate it so it never exceeds the safe limit of the recipients. I hope now you know why we need refining and moderating it.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 02:53:07 +0000

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