I mentioned that the two best jungle tank initiations are Malphite - TopicsExpress


I mentioned that the two best jungle tank initiations are Malphite and Sejuani. It is debatable between which one edges the other one out as Malphites is a very smart initiation while Sejuanis is outright more powerful. Malphites ultimate gives little warning (dull sound, few visuals) and is basically a click-boom type of ability. It gets Malphite in range (gap-closer) so he can wrecking havoc. Simple, effective, and not reliant on other abilities. Sejuanis ultimate is easier to telegraph than Malphites but it also has more range, a bigger radius and can be done from a safe distance. Better yet, she isnt reliant on any abilities like Malphite BUT also not as reliant on flash as other initiators. She can use her Q to reposition quickly and ult the enemy as she travels. The CC qualities are also better. Its basically an argument between a simpler, fast and very powerful initiation (Malphite) to a more versatile, safe and utilitarian initiation (Sejuani). --- This came from talks yesterday on stream when people argued about who was better between Sejuani and Amumu. Someone said that Amumu had better initiation and i rebutted it by stating that Amumu is way too reliant on flash or a successful Q to position himself to make an effective ultimate. Amumus initiation can be devastating and powerful but make no doubt that it is not nearly as efficient as the others.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:57:03 +0000

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