I met a friend of mine yesterday. We spoke about people doing - TopicsExpress


I met a friend of mine yesterday. We spoke about people doing YouTube videos who are making a living from all the views and advertising they generate. “I’d do it but I don’t have the right camera.” I said to him, “You want to borrow my phone? Because any phone in the world has a camera a thousand times better than what you need for YouTube.” I asked him what else was getting in the way. “There’s always a good reason and the real reason,” I told him. “You just gave me a bullshit good reason. What do you think the real reason is?” And he thought about it and told me. “Laziness.” I get that. I’m lazy also. “So take your phone camera. And practice executing. Pick an easy video to do. Go to the 42nd Street subway and videotape the guys playing underground there and upload it. Just get into the rhythm of making a video and uploading it. Then, write down ideas every day about more and more fun videos you can do. It’s a quantity game.” Will he do it? I don’t know. We love our excuses. They are just as much our babies as our ideas are. I Don’t Have Time Let’s say you are a single mother with three kids and a full-time job. You might not have time to write “Harry Potter.” It’s really harsh. But you find the time. You stop TV. Or skip a meal (nobody in America will ever starve by skipping a meal, I will put my medical seal of approval on that statement. Because although I do not have a medical degree, I play a doctor on Facebook). The magic of excuses is that there is always a way to be creative around them. The excuses are the map to your success. We all have obstacles. You can view the obstacle as an opportunity to grow or as an obstacle to stop. The good news is you get to choose.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:22:28 +0000

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