I met a man today who was teaching himself how to read. He sat on - TopicsExpress


I met a man today who was teaching himself how to read. He sat on a bench underground where the 2 lets out at Borough Hall. I was on my way to teach a CPR class, it was 7:30am and we were the only two people there. As I passed by he called out to me and asked if I would help him. He had a big book that was open beside him, a notebook with about 8 words written in pencil in big print. He looked to be about 40s. Importunity. He was stumped. Import? but then what do you do with the unity. I sounded it out for him, but he couldnt get past port. So we moved on to the other words, some he pronounced with ease and he was pleased when I nodded my head. But he wasnt as sure with serpant--and i completley misguided him on this one, he kept hitting the P too hard and I wrote it out phonecticly trying to soften that p for him, and didnt realize I had misguided him until I was in the elevator. So I spent the next 10 min psychicly correcting that mistake. Well, what do I know? It was early! Father, was another one he stumbled on. Finally, we returned to importunity. Thats a big word--serpant, father, importunity--just what was he reading? So I sounded it out again, he kept apologizing for taking up my time, and then I said, sing it. And I sang it for him. He tried saying it over and over and then finally he sang it and there it was ~ im por TUnnnnity~ (think theme song to Gone with the Wind), and then it clicked. ohhh importunity. By Jov I think he got it! He was so happy.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:49:30 +0000

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