I met this young boy in Dhanbad a few years back. A young, bright, - TopicsExpress


I met this young boy in Dhanbad a few years back. A young, bright, intelligent boy. When he was a kid, his father (another high spirited fighter) lost both of his legs in a fatal accident. This young boy was studying in class X when I met him. Once I came to know about his interest in biology, quite naturally I asked him whether he wanted to be a Doctor. To my surprise, the young boy said, No as being a good doctor takes a lot time and years of dedication which he couldnt afford. He knew even at that age that being the only child of his parents, he need to be on his own at the earliest and take care of his parents. I was awestruck with that answer. Never really imagined a kid could think so deeply. Since then, I had almost become a fan of this young boy who eventually turned into a handsome boy and got through Engineering. My work pressure, other engagements never gave me enough chance to speak to him regularly. But I used to follow him in facebook and it was pure joy to hear about his progress. Every time I spoke to him was a delight to me. Some people had this tremendous capacity to see the world differently and I must admit that little boy had it within him. Today a few hours back, I came to know that he met an accident and died on the spot. A few days back he celebrated his birthday and got a job. Life is really unique. You really can never anticipate whats going to happen next. So many people are living more than they should live. And this young kid was needed by all, his parents, his friends and the whole world who have never met him. When I lost my father, someone told me that even Heaven needs good men out there. I am sure He needs good men but why this young men who was just about to fulfill his dreams. Pranabesh Chakraborty - I will miss you! Your didi, Piyali Banerjee will miss you. And I am sure with us, many more people will miss you. I have no words to console your parents. Only thing I can say that they had a great son. You will be missed my dear!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:36:20 +0000

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