I might be getting it... Global Warming is Real, because - TopicsExpress


I might be getting it... Global Warming is Real, because Tennessee is freaking out about so much snow again... Ebola is Real, but as long as you stay away from cable news you probably dont have it... ISIS is Real and Im Not Meant To Understand The Situation In The Middle East because the media, cough, I mean the government sez so... Guns are Real, but people are still idiots... The Medicinal properties, (also textiles, etc.) of marijuana outweigh its relatively few long term health risks, but we shouldnt use it because humans didnt make it... Cancer is Real, and caused by consuming man-made things...and the first thing they do to treat you for cancer is make you consume life-threatening amounts of man-made things, and then later prescribe marijuana so you can eat and battle the pain caused by all the man-made crap already in your body because pharmaceutical companies own strangely large portions of the corporations supporting our Federal government (Im paraphrasing, screw the facts, the government doesnt care about the facts, why should I? lol)... Uncle Joe is Real, and he just got arrested for growing medicinal marijuana, which is ironic as hell because Uncle Joe has cancer and hasnt eaten a manufactured thing in the last 40 years of his life... Football is Real, ok, yeah I dont have anything shitty to say about football...yet... Police Brutality is Real...nevermind, I better shut up about that one...;) Pain itself is all as hell Real...and the Federal Govt is all too actively making policy to legislate pain tolerance instead of pouring those resources into actual crime-fighting, an ideal as outdated as Adam West portraying Batman, but still pretty cool, cant currently find anything of its kind... Im Real. Im not in good company it seems, all this other Real shit is pretty sketchy. Apropos...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:10:23 +0000

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