I miss Marshall tonight. How can you be in the same room with - TopicsExpress


I miss Marshall tonight. How can you be in the same room with someone and miss them? Let me tell you how: Before Marshalls cancer diagnosis, he was a typical three-year-old. He loved to run and play from sun up til sundown. He loved to play in the mud, ride his John Deere Gator, and ride his bike at Maw Maw and Paw Paws house. He loved playing in the sandbox and helping Memaw in the garden at Memaw and Papaws house. He loved going to visit Grandma (his great-grandmother) and always wanted to search for her anti-social cat who would hide from him every time he came near her. He loved playing with Hot Wheels cars with Daddy-do (he came up with that name on his own), and would bend down to look under his sisters bedroom door, yelling Sissy-o you wanna come play in my room? He loved it when we would read books at night before we went to sleep. Some things never change I guess. But some things have changed. A lot of things have changed. That rambunctious little boy is now a cuddly sweetheart who always has a smile on his face. Every day is a struggle for him. He struggles to talk. He struggles to eat. He struggles to play, to put together a puzzle, to hold a crayon, to sit up unassisted. He cannot stand or walk on his own. All of those skills that were second nature to him seem impossible to master some days. But he still smiles. He still laughs. And he puts a smile on my face many times a day. I dont think many people realize what its like to have a perfectly healthy child one day and a chronically ill child with special needs the next day. And of course most people dont because theyve never experienced it. As much as we love our son and as proud as we are of his accomplishments, we still have days like today. Days when we miss the old Marshall. I hate cancer for making life so hard for Marshall, but I thank God for the life he continues to live on this earth. God trusted us enough to take care of him and to help him overcome challenging obstacles every day. We just have to trust that He knows what He is doing and that He has a plan for our miracle boy. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:49:27 +0000

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