I miss my daughter today. She should have lived, but she was - TopicsExpress


I miss my daughter today. She should have lived, but she was terminated by her doctor. The fatal words spoken in the morn, “No more Aggressive Treatment, let’s wait for her to die. Though she breathed, a breath of life, and coughed a little. He stood at the foot of the bed, and told all, “This is a poor prognosis and a poor recovery.” The best thing to do now, is call the organ store. The local organ store scrambled around, like bees on a mission. To search the DMV site, for my daughter’s driver’s license, to see if the fatal pink heart was stamped on it. Yeah, they shouted, “She is an authentic donor!” Hours passed, The poor mother arrives to see her daughter. She is met by a mournful doc, he said, “There is nothing we can do for your little girl, her Intracranial pressure is high.” The mother replied, “What about relieving the pressure on the brain by drilling some holes?’ Shocked by the question, the now, alert doctor said, “No that will not help.” “Can I go into see my daughter?” The poor mother asked. “Yes, you may,” said the now confused doctor. The poor mother went into the room, there was her beautiful daughter, alive, breathing like Sleeping Beauty. The mother began to talk to her daughter, telling her that everything was going to be okay. Then the wicked witch came into the room to reveal the erroneous on going plan, “We need to do an apnea test so that we can determine her brain dead.” The mother replied, “What is an apnea test?’ The wicked witch replied, “This is when we disconnect the ventilator to see if the patient can breathe on her own.” But the wise mother looked at her daughter, and thought to herself, and said, “No, I really do not want you to do this test because my daughter just got hit by a car, she is severely injured, and needs this help of the ventilator. She is not ready to breathe on her.” Whoa! This is the spark that sent the hospital staff blazingly on fire. The shift, the compassion once exhibited was now turned into hostility. Mournful faces now replaced by red angered faces. The confusion mounted, “What are we going to do?” “We need to honor this patient’s dream of being an organ donor” shouted the hostile doctor. He put his hands on chin as he thought of what to do next, deviously he said, “We will call an Ethic’s Committee.” The parents plead for their daughter’s life in a room full of total strangers. The meeting ended, “You can keep your daughter’s organs, and we will offer supportive care.” Finally the parents were relieved, No more talk of organ donation, now we can concentrate on getting their daughter well. They naively thought supportive care was treatment. But soon they found out the day before their daughter passed away, that supportive care was watching and waiting for the patient to die. Melissa, their fighter daughter died, not from brain injury, but from a law. This law gives the doctor the right to deny care to the poor outcomes. Because of this law, Melissa did not get any help from her doctors. The doctor’s and nurses’ stood by and watched a beautiful twenty-five year old die before their eyes. The mother knew something was not right, so she immediately got the medical records. She discovered that her daughter was breathing, not tolerating pain, withdrawing her limbs to painful stimuli, contracting her upper and lower limbs to painful stimuli. She lifted her body, breathed, and coughed. Her daughter showed minimal brain activity on the EEG. She had a pulse two minutes before CPR was stopped. Sleeping Beauty was alive all the time. Yet doctors and nurses trained to recognize the signs of life, ignored them all. The mother cried, “My daughter was feeling pain all that time.” During those six long days her mother discovered that her beautiful daughter was suffering, she in was in extreme pain, she was being starved to death, and her daughter was anemic. The evil doctor wrote this is probably do to blood loss. This why the patient died because she was deemed legally brain dead therefore her evil doctors did not have to lift a finger to help her. In fact they could legally terminate her by disconnecting her from the ventilator. A ventilator that is used to help millions of others who cannot breathe on their own for days and weeks, but not the brain injured who is falsely accused of the ignoble and unworthy lie of brain death. This group of severely injured, the brain injured have been classified as potential sources for a valuable commodity known as “Living Organs.” They are worth a million dollars to a group of people called, “The Stake Holders.”I call them Stock Holders of free valuable commodities of living organs that are harvested from the innocent based on the ignoble false lie of brain death. Then her mother discovered, What Brain Death is, it is a ignoble and unworthy lie. Brain death does not live up to its definition. Because parts of the brain are still functioning. All the parts of the whole brain are important. But I do think the Sympathetic part is important, it is the ability to feel. This is how we can understand the pain for others because we can sympathesize. The organ donor will exhibit his sympathetic part of his being during the operation that will end his life on this earth. He will feel the pain of the surgeon’s knife, that he once thought, was designed to help him, now he will feel it, as he knows this knife will end his life on this earth. His heart will begin to beat erratically as he fears his death on the earth. But there is no one around him who will help him from this danger; in fact all those around him are participating in his death. One at a time, they will pull at his viscera, his life, like wolves tearing the meat from their prey. This organ donor will be kept alive until his heart, now his face will be extracted. His beating heart will be taken out of his body and held in the hands of the captor, and then it will be put in an ice cooler, or put into another patient. This heart is crying out to God for Mercy for himself and for all the others who will be captured and killed by those who we thought went to medical schools to help all of us to live not to kill us. This is the new kind of medicine.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:12:19 +0000

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