I must admit I had a pretty professional mannered plan lined out - TopicsExpress


I must admit I had a pretty professional mannered plan lined out for handling my departure from The Jackson Taylor Band. But I feel obligated to at least leave proper information out there for the next guy who may think hed like an opportunity at working with this self appointed legend. Id mention potential female artists but youd waste time and energy as I recently discovered that anything with a vagina is in the grotesque, disgusting pig family and to hear told many of you have sucked his dick. So Fellas, If your willing you and the drummer will do all driving. You will load and unload 16 toats of merch for the merch tenant (his fiancé) You will load and unload his bass rig as well as set it up. Dont forget to tune the basss and spray the mics down with Lysol ;) Of course set your own gear up and then the you get the honorary privilege of performing with the Legend. 90 minutes of death stares, bad bass notes and on the fly coaching :D Tear Down is pretty layed back if hes not overly bugged. Hell party while you finish cramming the van. But if he is in the mood to jet its double time! Or you get to hear how he has no problem what so ever treating you like a Nigger. Nigger actually comes up a whole bunch with the Boss so if your of color or other region Id recommend standing over there with the woman ;) Please!! Dont dare play any form of Blues Licks!! I found this out the hard way. I had no idea that I had a lazy niggard right hand :/ or that being white and had never picked cotton doesnt allow me the right to perform that style of music. Who knew! My worn out Stevie Ray Vaughn style licks were inferior to his needs. So Blues players find the back of the line please. Jazz being related to Blues Id stay on the safe side and follow suite ;) Leave any sort of Faith or Spirituality at your doorstep! You dont even wanna go there. So If your a hard working, white, wife beating male, with racist values, a hate for religion with good Punk/Chicken picken licks. Step on up!! The Legend is in dear need :) For everyone else left unqualified like myself, fear not :) There are plenty of albums to buy, downloads available to grasp in his glory. Again to my ignorance, who knew that adding a foul mouth to Cash progressions was the stuff of Legends!! In closing as trying to leave this situation I was not only informed of how bad a player I was. I found that Im a worker bee not meant for the business. I think hes right to some degree. If this is the stuff of Legends. I want no part of it! Ill stay small time with some dignity about myself. I made the cardinal sin of forgetting a few things in his van after our last trip. Tired and hungry from driving 8 straight hours I was just joyed to see my loving family there waiting to pick me up for the last little jog home :) The first Item was a pair of cowboy boots. None to worried about those, as I can warrant leaving them behind as a reminder to him of what exactly would end up in his ass If I ever ran across him again. My laptop being the other. Pretty expensive with a lot of my music recording software. I know Ill never see it again cause I cant stand to speak of the man. Be careful what you wish for! Lesson Learned ;) There is something to be said for doing it your way. Ill stick to that from here on out. Believe it!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:34:34 +0000

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