I must make a very significant correction of the Holy Names used - TopicsExpress


I must make a very significant correction of the Holy Names used to refer to the our Almighty Father and HIs brought-forth Son. Yesterday, I was blessed to receive the long-sought revelation of the true and original NAMES of deity that the original Hebrew Nation used in its original Tanack (Old Testament) Scriptures. The correct 6 letter spelling of the Son of the Living Elohim, is not the short-form of Yahshua, but rather,the full-6 character Paleo-Hebraic YaHusHua. Likewise, the correct pre-Masoretic spelling of our Fathers sacred Name is not Yahweh, another short-form name, but rather YaHuWaH. Note how in this full name extension, the 4 letter Holy Tetragrammaton is incorporated via the use of interspaced CAPS: YHWH. I had recently begun using the incorrect form of YHVH and YahVeh, but have now, by grace and mercy, been enlightened by his faithful servant, MessengerOfTheName, that there is no letter V in the Hebraic language. Nor is there the letter J in that Holy Language of YHWH. This totally discredits the use of J in the totally erroneous name of Jehovah (misused by the Jehovahs Witness cult) and the English mis-transliteration of Jesus. These two name forms are linguistically impossible, under the historic etymological roots of the Paleo-Hebrew language. The only believers to be held accountable for correcting their name references to our Father and our Saviour YaHuWaH and YaHusHua are those who have been given and receive this glorious revelational knowledge. Many will struggle to cast away thousands of years of wrongful human tradition and church irresponsibility. Those who have not sought out this significant issue in their personal relationship with the living Elohim of Israel, and continue to misuse Jehovah or Jesus, are not under condemnation, per se, for it is based on third-party ignorance perpetuated by the enemies of the true everlasting Gospel of YHWH since the day the serpent tempted and seduced Eve and Adam in the garden by questioning what YHWH had told them about not partaking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. MORE TO FOLLOW... https://youtube/watch?v=iMWE7yJA4fY
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 18:40:31 +0000

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