I must really ask you to think about where your heart is? Theres - TopicsExpress


I must really ask you to think about where your heart is? Theres no strength in being quiet. The United States would have never become a free nation if it did not stand up for its rights against the British during the settlement of the US. But it became ok to take a race of people and imprison them into slavery. I have to repeat what the history was in the US and the same actions are taking place today but using the police force to fabricate situations as these which ultimately they shoot black people because of a history that is still present. Really ask yourself has this nation taken a stance to promote uniting as people but instead this nation thrives from keeping groups of races at a disadvantage to continue to allow some to advance but not caring about unhumanly treating another group. The truth will get to you eventually and as uncomfortable as it may seem to say hi or give a person a chance Karma, AND NOT WRATH, will provide salvation. See, some people would want to mix the thought of the marches and speaking of boycotting as unnecessary and that a change wont happen. Thats not true because what you see are African-Americans fighting with our voices, videos, marches and cries for EQUALITY. Not fighting equality with guns. We ask, well the hood kills each other. Yes, enraged and upset for the social ills that those who are in office are the biggest crooks you can think of in morality. Because they work in a system where someone has to be an underclass to save. Really, strangle while no one is looking. Damn!, no African-American is not asking for a hand out, but drop the God-Damn color barrier and see where we will be as a PLANET. _ _ CK, I didnt say as a people (meaning only Black Advancement), but as a PLANET. But, its the plot, The Rich stay rich; and The Poor stay poor. Thats their game. Drop this color barbaric barrier business and open your eyes. Its not one cool black guy, white guy or gal, asian, latino/hispanic, or whatever, everybody should be cool. If you are human? BASIC, RESPECT, YOU ARE A PERSON. Or do you recognize some people as not deserving full respect (less than a man concept)? I could go on. But, I get this too: Black male suspect walking through or sitting, appearing to be a suspicious character ???? As an American, Ive never seen another race of people detained by law enforcement so much without an illegal action to have taken place. Its always well the suspect appeared to be and not I have evidence and then we decided to place him under arrest. I will keep the fight. And the fight for Equality will be won. Racism / Prejudices are purely disgusting. #STANDFORSOMETHINGORFALLFORANYTHING.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:55:15 +0000

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