I must say I love being the expert mama now! Conversation between - TopicsExpress


I must say I love being the expert mama now! Conversation between my sister and I earlier today: De: be glad you only have one! Me: (wondering what my sweet, sweet nephews could possibly have done) Yep, everyday I thank God for that! De: Dave is umping today so I asked the boys if I could lay down for a few minutes. About 1/2 an hour later I was beginning to wake up and I hear Ian yell out ouch! Me: (imagining some kind of odd boy antic like jumping off the top bunk, getting hand stuck in a toy, throwing a ball and having his brother throw it back at his face, some off boy kind of thing) De: asked boys what happened and it turns out Tristan bit Ian. Tristan why did you bite your brother? Me: trying hard not to laugh while imagining my sweet little nephew doing this and his brother not walloping on him--that is what I would have done when De and I were their ages Tristan: I was hungry! Imagine big blue eyes with an impish grin saying this with all seriousness. De: Dont lie to me. You know he is not food! (yes she actually uttered these words!) Why did you bite your brother? Tristan: I was hungry. De: Were you mad or did he hurt your feelings? Tristan: I was mad So De made a good parenting decision so sent him to time-out. She chose the parents room because no toys in there.So what does my sweet nephew do? He jumps on the bed, has a good old time in time-out. He got 6 minutes. Tristan: why do I have 6 minutes? De: Because you are 6. Good job De! May you have many, many more children! May they all be boys :)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:54:54 +0000

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