I must say a sincere thank you to all who have supported me in - TopicsExpress


I must say a sincere thank you to all who have supported me in trying to communicate my opinions and thoughts over the years, as well as what I consider to be crucial and enlightening information. I cant always respond to each and every message, comment or post. I greatly appreciate your many kind words and your encouragement. Its great to see so many doing the same, so many that are not content with the way things are and believe there is more to life than living a depressed, narrow-minded, inauthentic existence. So many that have no more tolerance left in them for bullshit, abuse, slavery, ignorance, injustice, war, corruption, lies, and false promises. So many striving for change and choosing to live an inspired and fulfilling life. You rock, keep it up. I am deeply honoured to have learned from, and worked with so many incredible and inspiring individuals. I feel I have grown significantly and expect to continue to do so. Its been a very challenging learn as you go scenario in many ways, and yet I am still passionate about learning and experiencing more now than I ever was. Im not perfect, Ive made mistakes, Ive endured criticism and loss of friendships to do what I do, but I suppose thats what it takes to stand out from the illusory comfort of the status quo. Ive been falsely accused, been misunderstood, been hounded, had accounts shut down, lost money and opportunity, and sacrificed a great deal to be true to my convictions and to my conscience, and to go with the flow of what feels right for me. Im sure many of you have experienced the same. Cheer up though, apparently we live on the insane asylum of the solar system. Hopefully, that will one day change. In seeing what I have seen, experiencing what I have experienced, I have always struggled with finding the right wording in the english language to communicate these things effectively. But Ive done the best I can. Ive learned that speaking out against whats considered normal and widely accepted fact in no easy task, let alone learning that expressing honest opinion in this day and age is apparently the greatest sin of the 21st century. Has it ever been different? After doing a great deal of historical research I have seen that no, it has always been so. But whatevs. I feel optimistic, healthy, motivated, alert, and loving. Ive chosen to live outside the box, and to continuously focus my attention on developing who I am based on my own intuition and logic instead of settling for whats been handed me or expected of me by others. I have chosen to pursue that which interests and challenges me. Ive chosen to abandon the care of what other people think about me, because of the simple fact that they are not me, and should be more focused on what they think of themselves. Ive learned that healing from generations of trauma and conditioning is not easy. I encourage you to not listen to me, but to listen to your own voice of reason and follow your own heart and path. I am merely communicating my personal experience, and the knowledge that I have been fortunate to gain in the hopes of paying forward the inspiration that many have brought to me. I love this planet, its a pretty sweet place if you block out all the distortion and havoc that plagues it and blinds most of us from seeing the potential of this place, and the human race in general. I deeply love my family and my true friends. I am grateful to be here participating in the greatest time in human history. Thank you all. Cheers
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:39:36 +0000

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