I must say we have been blessed this last week in a couple ways - TopicsExpress


I must say we have been blessed this last week in a couple ways that I feel important to share as they came at some moments we needed to see some good stuff. The first was last Sunday. We went out to eat after church, which is such a treat when we can. When we were ready to pay, I took the kids to the car while my hubby waited to get change. When he got in the car, he announced that some one paid out tab. I asked a whole bunch of questions in confusion, but he just kept saying he didnt have a clue. My mind went back to review and figured out it must have been a dear friend that we had seen having a date with her daughter. She didnt know it then, but that action was more than a blessing for money reasons. It uplifted our spirits and blew us away with a hefty dose of humility. We are so grateful! Then, my mom and dad came to visit on their way home from a beach trip they took with their friends. They brought some gifts for Finny from these friends. One was a wearable swim fin. Fin, of course, thought it was the perfect accessory for his outfit and had us put it on right away. The other was a t shirt that he was so excited to see had a shark on it. Woohoo, He screamed! Then today, a package arrived addressed to Finny. No personal return label (except to say Amazon). No card. Not even a packing slip to tell us any info on how to ask who it was from. It had an adorable towel, shark toy play set, and washable shark tattoos inside. Needless to say this kiddo was ecstatic! However, we are befuddled and would LOVE to know where to direct our gratitude to. If you know, please pm me! I mean how awesome is this!!! Especially since its been a tough week; but these things brightened it up! Thank you. And thanks to those who prayed and offered encouragement. As a side note: I would like to say that as experienced parents, we do know kids fall and its a part of growing up. I completely understand actually as we have had enough emergency surgeries, broken bones, hospitalizations, deep gashes and wounds, and even common boo boos for me to feel like a good nurse mom. We have seen our fair share of ERs, ORs, and other medical facilities. So, with that being said, this is not the same. It is not like watching your toddler learn to walk. It is not like a clumsy moment. This is our every day. It is more frequent than a passing moment and heartbreaking to watch. We dont know what our child is seeing. We dont know his experience. We know he doesnt look different. We know many people dont get to see the imbalance or the eyes shaking; maybe not even the way he accommodates as he is so amazing at doing so. Its hard to notice the differences and issues in general that we do. We are with him all day, every day. I do see everything and could share if anyone asked. So, when I post about his difficulty I do appreciate the understanding that this mom doesnt make a habit of making a mountain out of a mole hill. I HAVE been known for being the mom that typically does wait and see for ALL of my kids. I dont post every incident on purpose. You guys would probably get sick of hearing from me if so. In fact, we deal with a lot of other stuff in life that I keep from this page, such as another child with extra (or special) needs. This page is for Fin though. It is about our journey with him and whatever we may find out about his condition. Our hope is that it WILL only be a season of life for him. Our prayers are that Fin WILL grow up to be healthy and live a full life free from any major issues. We DO have faith, and we have an overall positive perspective. When I come here to post, I hold back. I dont want anyone to feel like Im giving up and thinking we have it the worst ever. We know we dont. I promise. We know we are blessed. But, we struggle. We falter. We grow weary. What I love about this page and those we love around us is that I can admit to all that and know that most times I can turn around and see someone is there to keep us going or to make me dig deep and march on. For that, I will always praise God! So, think as you do and feel what you must, but know that just as we feel the awesome positive vibes; sadly, we dont miss out on the not so positives. For Fins sake, please keep that positive mojo, the prayers, and the love flowing. He is SO worth it! I know you know that or you wouldnt be here. Hope you all have a blessed week! Love you guys!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:26:11 +0000

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