I must share something big, right here: Republicans are traitors - TopicsExpress


I must share something big, right here: Republicans are traitors by the very name republic, if people really want a republic, instead of making another one, move to one of the many ones there are out there already, they dont work, and never will, you give one person total power, thats not a democracy, thats a dictatorship and before long thats exactly what you have, we would happily live under a monarchy than a dictatorship, or a republic, we are lucky to have the Monarchy we have today, there is no need to change it, its not broke so dont try and fix it, the Royal Family understands the people more than they are given credit for, no doubt we will get many nasty comments from the haters that plague these Royal sites, but we dont care, unlike the United States of America, our government has not shut down for over 50 years, and we wont change for no one.... God Save the Queen! We are British Americans. Throughout history, embassies have been the centre for the building of mutual relationships between foreign governments, and have also, sadly, been the centre for turmoil, Benghazi, Iranian revolution hostage crisis, to name a few. In general however, the idea of an embassy is to bring foreign nations closer together, culturally, economically, and in politics. It is what allows people to connect with a nation, in a way, as the values and traditions of a nation are typically made known at a particular embassy. This is why embassies, all over the world maintain different building design, interior layout, special exchange programs, and through the attitudes of diplomats. The Commonwealth of Nations and each of its member nations enjoy a special form of diplomatic missions, known as High Commissions. A high Commission is, in most aspects, an embassy, with some differences. First, each Commonwealth nation shares a special bond, through language, rule of law, values, and history. This means that they do not have a foreign viewpoint of one another. The ambassador takes another name, as a High Commissioner. A High Commission has its history set during the Days of the British Empire, where a High Commissioners job was to manage protectorates, that were not under full control of the Crown. However, the idea of High Commissions evolved over time into what now allows nations like Canada and Australia to maintain special cultural, and political ties together that you would not see in an embassy. Put it like this, embassies focus on foreign relations, and High Commissions emphasize the special Commonwealth bond, by means of easier access, occasionally shared High Commission buildings, as was the case for Canada and the United Kingdom, allowing for efficient diplomatic missions, a bond that, while it has a certain emotional aspects to it, also functions with a manner that encourages citizens of the Commonwealth to interact, and communicate with one another, having a common interest. Common interests is why they do not have a foreign view of each other. The United States was founded on many principles shared by many of these nations, particularly Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Common law, the English language, and our heritage rooted in the British Empire gives us the opportunity to maintain a High Commission, and develop a much closer cultural, economic and political bond with our true family. We need to cast aside our 1776 prejudices towards a king from 238 years ago, and embrace nations which share much more in common with us then many of our citizens may think. Its an uphill climb, but it is well worth it. The Royalist Party of America advocates the establishment of a Crowned republic like Norway, Australia and the United Kingdom, rather than a full republic (which never seems to work) in the United States of America. Our primary purpose is to educate the American public about the benefits of monarchy and to effect a change in public opinion concerning constitutional monarchy by promoting it as a viable form of government for the US. Currently the President of the United States is both Head of Government and Head of State. We believe that the American public would be better served if these positions were separate, with the latter being held by an un-elected, non-partisan monarch. It is generally accepted that a modern monarch should have at least the following four powers in order to act as a safeguard against governmental abuse of power: 1.) The right to pardon individuals. 2.) The right to be consulted about new legislation before it is enacted. 3.) The right to have his/her opinions on issues heard by legislators. 4.) The right to dissolve Congress/& state parliaments and hold new elections. If you have ever thought that we would be much better off if we did not have politicians running things, the Royalist Party of America might be for you! We are not left, we are not right, we are the Royalists and if you think otherwise, then you have twisted in the name of what you choose to call us. But anyway, you can read about us at: https://rpofa Please support us if you do agree. https://facebook/RPOFA https://facebook/groups/RoyalistPartyofAmerica/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:27:25 +0000

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