I must share this..because this is encouraging to share..but also - TopicsExpress


I must share this..because this is encouraging to share..but also as a warning because time is running out! Our son Emmanuel,2.5 years old has dreamt for a second time in 2 months time about the coming of our Lord Jesus (The Rapture)!!! (Joel 2:28) (Lets make clear we didnt spoken yet with Emmanuel about the Rapture). He described the Rapture as follow;Daddy,mommy and Emmanuel,with my little legs..go up very high in the air,flying..to the Lord Jesus! And while he mentioned the Lord Jesus,he moved his little hand as a twinkling,gleaming star ..I think he wanted to explainThe Lord Jesus His Supremacy and Glory! The Lord Jesus will come soon for His Bride!!!! My husband had aswell a mighty vision in 2008 about the Rapture! The amazing thing of this vision was,that he allready had seen our unborn son,Emmanuel sitting between his legs during his vision. (4 Years later after receiving this vision,we received Emmanuel in 2012 in a miraculousy way of God (and the part of having a son in his vision came true), even for the doctors this healthy pregnancy and giving birth of a healthy son was a miracle to them,what a Great and Almighty God we have!) My husband was quit emotional after receiving his vision about the soon coming Rapture,with tears in his eyes he woke up and tried to explain what a unspeakable large and hidden desire and love he experienced,this was greater than the love between a man and a women,this was larger than a father or mother love for his or her child,this was larger than a brother or sister love,on that time when he saw that the Lord stood in all its Supremacy and Glory on a cloud! We were in my husbands vision as family in the living room (not in our current house by the way) and Emmanuel was sitting on the ground, between the legs of my husband) ,it was dark outside and only the light that came out from the flat screen tv illuminated in the living room,when my husband saw a huge,white light outside! The Lord Jesus was one and all light and around the Lord he saw a large bow (in the form of a rainbow) which showed His Glory and Supremacy! My husband explained to me, that we..in a twinkling of an eye/in a flash were becoming light too and our souls rose/went up to Him! I also have from childhood on, several kind of dreams and visions about the soon Rapture and the Great Tribulation aswell!But also about Gods Wrath/Judgment what a terrible period will be for those who are left behind! (See/read Lukas 9:36,Matthew 24,Luke 21 and Revelation in its total)! The Rapture and the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus are 2 different time events! During the Rapture, the Lord will meet his Church/His Bride in the clouds..His angels will gather His children (I Corinthians 15:51-52). On the terrible day of the Lord/His second Coming/Armaggadon our Lord will come down from heaven and will set his feet on the ground (On the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem,Israel) and His children who allready has been raptured) following Him on white horses from heaven according to the Word of God,the bible !(Revelation 19:11-14)! Let us as children of God beside believing in our Lord Jesus/proclaiming our faith,sharing the gospel,looking forward for the arrival of our Lord Jesus..its so very important to live very closely to God, building up your relationship with Him more and more by reading His Word on a daily basis,to worship and pray,to give Him all Glory and praise through Worship and the Holy Spirit is there to help us and to lead to Holiness,to be ready for His arrival,but also be vigilant/mentally awake,watching(recognizing Gods signs and warnings) ,remain faithful to Him and dont deny Him(like Peter did)..whatever will happen..but again and above all let us repent and let our hearts be ready in Holiness for His arrival! Let us ask forgiveness for yet unconfessed sins (1 John 1:9) ,let we forgive those that we still have to forgive (Mark 11:25) and let us break with every sin that bind us with the dark works of the enemy (Revelation 3:16,James 4:7)! The Lord comes soon for His Bride (The Church of Christ)! We will meet Him in the clouds and shall be with Him forever! Lets be ready as the 5 wise virgins! The oil in their oil lamps symbolizes the Holy Spirit and they were in contrast to the 5 foolish virgins (of which the oil in the oil lamps were empty) were ready when the Groom came! This biblescripture refers to the Rapture! (Matthew 25:1-13) Lets get ready(before we can no longer make this choice) ..because His coming is near! If you still do not know the Lord Jesus personally and have not yet allow Him in your heart as your Lord and Savior,know that his arms are wide open for you! He loves you and He died for you on the cross and has taken all of your sins so that you will not be lost and may live forever (after this life on earth) with Him for eternity! There will be no pain or suffering more life! If you like to receive the Lord Jesus in your heart, or do you have questions, feel free to send me a private message,i would like to pray you for receiving for receiving Him in your heart! Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 1 John 2:1-2 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. God bless and Maranatha! (Revelation 3:10.11,Luke 21:28)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:04:54 +0000

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