I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the - TopicsExpress


I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4. FOR MEN!!!!!!! WHO YOU ARE IN GOD What is Jesus saying in this scripture especially to men? You as a man you must ask God what is your purpose for being here in this earth? There has to be more than just women, getting married, and making babies.. First lets look at what work is before we can understand why work is so important in a mans life. First of all when you are born you are born to do a specific work in this earth. Do not mistake what I am saying for a job. A job is different from work. Work is a specific mandate within your God given ability with purpose and destiny. God put this mandate in you that no one else can accomplish but you. Each man is designed differently internally for the work and purpose God has put inside of you. Jesus came to do more than die and cover the sin of the world. He also came that we might have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10. Now why is abundant life so important to Christ? It is important because it was abundant in the beginning with Adam. Jesus Christ ultimate work, purpose, and destiny was to restore humanity back to its original place in Christ like Adam had in the beginning but because sin has become the message more than Jesus preaching of the work of His Father Christs original purpose and destiny is not taught and is hid from man himself. Before you can understand who you are as a man you must realize what Adam loss in the first place. You must realize that Adam relinquish his authority not obeying what God told him not to do which was not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because the day he eat it he will surely die Genesis 2:17. Without going into a tremendous amount of scripture which I can do if necessary I will ask you this? When Adam ate why did not Adam and Eve both literally die? God told Adam that he would surely die and yet Adam lived on. How did they die but yet they lived? If you do not understand what that death was then you can never find your ultimate purpose for being here on earth. Men you are created in Gods image. What is the image of God to you? What does that mean to you? Does that mean you where physically formed in His image or is the bible speaking of a deeper meaning of that image than your physical body? The answer is both.. When Jesus came He came in the same type of body you are designed in so we know by Jesus coming in the flesh that you even have Gods image physically. God is a male and not a male and female as some theologians I have heard them say which is an abomination to me and I totally disagree with. My God is not a hermaphrodite. God is all man and when He created man He created man in His spiritual image of authority, power, reign, multiplicity, ruler ship and love. After making man in His image spiritually then God gave man a earth suit why? God and man both were spirit without a body.. I will repeat God and man were both spirit without a body. Man had already been spoken into being before the earth suit was formed Genesis 1:26. It was not until Genesis 2:7 that man was given his earth suit. Now from that you must realize that Adam now had the same problem that God had which was He had no one to love and this is why God said it is not good for man to be alone Genesis 2:18. Yes I said God had no one to love because God is love. Love is not just an emotion but it is an expression of who God is. God created you (man) to love you. He loved you so much that He gave you the same power He has only He gave it to you in the earth realm not in heaven. He made man spirit in the beginning just like himself. If you will notice God never gave any of the angels a free will or a body they are spirit. They are created spiritual beings who are robotically created and made to do exactly what God wants them to do. Man is the only creation God created gave man a free-will because he wants you to love him because you chose to do so. God wanted to receive love from himself because no one can love like He can. So God created you (man) so He could experience His image reflecting back to Him. It is the same concept as God swearing by Himself because He cannot find anything greater to swear by Hebrews 6:13 When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself. When you fall in love with a woman and marry her and you give her a male seed do you not want the image of yourself you have created which is your son to love you? Why is God any different if you feel that way? Are you not created in His image? Do you not see yourself in God and God in you? Gods word is a seed your sperm is a seed.. God church is a woman and you like women.. God is a male your are a male.. God is over Heaven and the Church. You are over the earth and your family.. Dont you see God image in you at all? In the old testament David and Solomon created more children than anyone else, God wants children all over the world He loves spreading His seed just like you do cant you see God in you and you in Him? Do you see any similarities of God in you? Because until you do and you realize you have been bought with a price and your life or body is not your own you will never know what your work is and you will never come into your work, purpose or destiny. Do you know men whats worse than death? You dying and taking to the grave your work, purpose and destiny instead of dying and saying it is finished or I have run the race and have fought the good fight as Paul. My brother you should die empty like Jesus and the Apostles instead of dying full of work purpose and destiny. Tomorrow I will really define work but I had to at least show you who you really are before I could expose your work. Be Blessed my brothers for you are and I love you enough to pray for you and love you enough to speak the truth to you.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 19:14:19 +0000

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