I need a bit of clarification, and Im hoping somebody can - TopicsExpress


I need a bit of clarification, and Im hoping somebody can enlighten me on something. The standard line from page 1 of the militant atheist textbook is, Oh yeah? Then PROVE that God exists. This is followed by the usual lip-service to science and because science and Christians are anti-science, etc. I thought of this today as I was reading about pop-culture scientist Neil DeGrasse Tysons childish little Christmas Day tweets. The content wasnt the problem, as long as one can overlook a supposedly-renowned scientist posting jokes that my 6 year old would deem childish and idiotic, at best. No, the problem was that Tyson, a militant atheist, simply couldnt stand the idea that millions of Americans, and billions of people around the globe, might possibly be paying attention to something besides HIM on that day. He purposely stuck his finger in the eye of every Christian on the planet, despite the fact that they simply wanted to celebrate a religious holiday with family, friends, and their faith communities. For the science-minded among you, the scientific term for a person who enjoys starting trouble with people minding their own business is trash. But this is the real irony. As I mentioned above, the garden-variety liberal, militant atheists just love to talk about science. Granted, most cant actually name more than 3 disciplines that fall under the very broad term science, but no matter. Professor Tyson has a real problem with my belief in God. The existence of God hasnt been proven. God has never been seen. There is no way to test for the existence of God. And therefore, according to Prof. Tyson, belief in God is a silly, intellectually deficient means of explaining the world around me. At least that goes for my God. But not his god. You see, Professor Tyson believes in what is known as Dark Matter. This is matter in the universe that has never been seen. It has never been detected. And there is no way to test for the existence of dark matter. But it must exist, according to him. It must exist because that is the only way to explain what he sees in the cosmos. Perhaps, should he fall ill someday, Prof. Tyson can go to one of the many hospitals built by the followers of Dark Matter. Or, perhaps, get a prestigious teaching job at one of the many schools and universities built by the followers of Dark Matter. And, should he fall on hard times, Ive no doubt he will avail himself of the assistance of one of the many charitable organizations, created in accordance with the teachings of Dark Matter, where he can find food, shelter, medicine, and help from people who actually care. My God compels me to be better than my nature, and to give of myself to my fellow man. His god helped him get a TV gig. Am I the fool in this equation? (DP)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:05:01 +0000

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