I need a reference - can you give one? The Gospel of today - TopicsExpress


I need a reference - can you give one? The Gospel of today reminds me of this reality for us. John points out Jesus and says He is the one. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The first reading says this is my servant who is to redeem Israel and then says this is too small - He is to be a light for the nations. In the second reading Paul says he is an Apostle. He wasnt one of the 12 Jesus selected - but he is an apostle - a witness to Jesus the Lord. We can be the same. In our Baptism we are selected. I had my great nieces baptism yesterday. All present pointed her out as a new disciple. We anointed her with Chrism (to be a witness), we lit her baptismal candle (a light for the nations), we acknowledged her baptismal garment (she is to always display what is right and good to all as a Christian). We celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Newman Center building on Jan 15th (the building was dedicated on Jan 15, 1989). When the building was constructed the architect recognized the proximity of the Newman Center with the University’s Old Capital and that we are to work in partnership. People come from all nations to The University of Iowa to receive their degree. Our Baptistry is in the middle of a straight line between the tower and cross on our building (spirituality) and the gold dome of the University’s Old Capital (education). The Newman Center facility is where the two meet and we mission them out to be good disciples for the Church and the world. This is a wonderful image as we begin a new semester and the next 25 years of this facility and our ministry. How can we each be a better light for the nations, point out the Lord in our world and show only the goodness and love of God to all? This is our challenge and opportunity. We are a reference for the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:24:18 +0000

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