I need help from the Cedar Falls community! ESPECIALLY STUDENTS! - TopicsExpress


I need help from the Cedar Falls community! ESPECIALLY STUDENTS! The councilmen of Cedar Falls are trying to pass a law into effect that will only allow 3 unrelated people to live in a single family home. As most of you know, they rent out ALOT of 4 bdrm houses to students...what this means is rent will skyrocket! My roommates and I are currently spending $375/mo on rent, if this law goes into effect we would have to pay $500/mo on rent if we renew our lease next year with 3 people. They have actually targeted our house & the ones neighbouring us and showed pictures at meetings of how they dislike 4 cars in a driveway in a family neighborhood. This makes zero sense considering if they find 4 related people to live in a home....there will still be 4 cars in a driveway (hand slap to face) What I believe is happening is they are teaming up with UNI to pass this law so people will move into the multi-million dollar apartments they built on campus...the rent on these apartments are outrageous and still have a dormlike setting...hope you kept your loft bed from freshman year cause youll need it! This is what I need from you all! ●There is a community meeting today from 3:30-5:00 in the Duke Young room on 220 Clay St in Cedar Falls and there will continue to be meetings on Thursdays every other week after that. ●Follow up on this! Read the papers! Do your research! I have too many friends that care far too much about social medias over what is actually happening in the community. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE! ●Talk to your landlords and ask what you can do to help. We need students at these meetings!!!! ●SHARE THIS STATUS!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:32:35 +0000

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