I need to do a statement for all the league players, please - TopicsExpress


I need to do a statement for all the league players, please approve it so that everyone can see it. A TYPICAL REACTION of accused cheater is that I HAVE TO DO VIDEO :D is it him who has proof against me? No. It´s me who have proof against this cheater. That was what you all wanted, to have a proof. And if I finally have proof and I sent it to admins, what will be done with the players? There are no glitches on the photos, photos are because someone was cheating. Actually 2 of the players were cheating, I sent my proofs to admins, they are debating it... one is not 100% clear, but second photoproof is MILLION percent proof so I hope the rules will be respected and the guy will be expelled from the competition. Half of the league players are suspicious about this player (who has made it to the supreme league!) and in rules and group description is written BAN FOR LIFE! So I dont really know what is here to think about. As I said, I have sent my proofs to admins and now Im really so much disappointed about the way it (Proof) is treated, that I have no longer passion for this, its only causing problems - write in the rules that everyone who wants can cheat and the issue will be solved. But this is ridiculous, you wanted proof, I sent it and it takes only 1 minute to decide what with the cheater. Markus, Lisa, Hardy - you are against yourselves if this cheater will not get ban. I dont care about winning, I have no problem with losing 0-11 if this is an honest loss. I hate unfair players, I hate cheating. Actually, there are only 2 reasons why I am still in this competition - because I want to practice my english with other people, and second reason is that I met here some really gorgeous, honest people who I consider my friends. I will not exit the league, but next season I will not play because I am frustrated from the fact that some players cheat. As you can see, I did not say any name from those 2 who I have proof against. But it is finally the time to show to the others that this is not an absurd group with disrespected rules. The warning will not help, the ban will. We (you) need to get rid of unfair players, or this league will be unfair. Im really annoyed and fed up with the way the cheaters and suspected people are treated. As if nothing happened. It is better ti have lets say supreme and FCWL only, but with honest players, rather than have so many leagues and divisions, where many peope cheat. Yes, they all will say no Im not cheater, you are cheater, but who cares? You can have luck once, twice, but not everytime. AND YET ANOTHER MASSIVE ISSUE - there is a bunch of people who wanted to see the video of one specific player. It was said to us that the video was made and sent to admins. But please think about this: were the admins those who were suspicious about this person? No, it was a whole lot of players in the league who wanted to see the video. But they were given only the answer that video was made and admins saw it. They couldn´t see it. Crazy. Players want to see that video. So Im sorry if I harmed anybody (but whom? I was only expressing my opinion and the fact that what I see is that nothing is done with the cheaters, although there finally are the proofs). I will finish this season, no matter what. Then I will act according to if the cheaters were expelled or not. If not, I will quit. This is not blackmailing, this is about me who is not able to play and make an effort if it is utterly useless. Either with powerups or without them. Previous season I played without them. Feel free to express your opinion, I will NOT argue with you, everything I wanted to say is written here. And gratitude to all of you who read this whole text, to this ending passage.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:44:13 +0000

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